Saturday, November 25, 2017

♥ 18:11 : Reception Day (Two)

18 November 2017
11am - 4pm
Family, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, schoolmates etc.
My husband's place

♥ 12:11 : Reception Day (One)

12 November 2017
12.30 noon - 3.30pm
Family, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, schoolmates, etc.
Grand Hall, D'Tempat Country Club


We hired a photographer and couple of videographers for this reception ceremony, so we are still waiting for the end result in a few weeks time. Hopefully it will turn out good and I can share with you here once I got them. These were all photos captured by personal phones and cameras, so let's be patient and keep spreading the good vibes! â™¥

♥ 11:11 : Solemnization Day

11 November 2017
10am - 3pm
Family, relatives & closest friends
My parents' place

  • L’amour de ma vie, je veux être avec toi pour toujours.


♥ 11:11, 11 November 2017

Je vous déclare mari et femme.


We are officially married on November 11th, 2017 at my parents' home in the morning. Alhamdulillah, Allah has the best plan for all of us and He brought Syazwan and I, here to this whole new level that we have been impatiently waiting for. Three years of knowing this man, I know he is the Wan for me. Couldn’t ask for more, Allah has bless us with this marriage and hopefully until His Firdaus. Massive thank you to family, relatives and friends, not to mention, my in-laws for your endless prayers and kind wishes. May Allah bless you all for being so supportive and helpful. I pray nothing but the best for all of you who were attending the solemnization ceremony. It’s a beautiful moment for Syazwan and I and we are grateful to share and celebrate this union with you. Thank you for coming all the way and thank you for your amazing effort in making sure that the ceremony went smoothly. Alhamdulillah. 

I am a wife now! ♥