Finish line is almost here! No more backache, hoorays! No more itchy skin! Finally I can reach my toes to give it a scrub-a-dub and to cut my toenails myself and to be able to bow down to wear socks, to put on my shoes, to tie up shoelaces, to lean over or squat to pick up things on the floor and not grabbing things with my feet anymore, to change my sleep position in peace and cannot wait not to bear this 3.4kg belly weight anymore. LOL!
Don't get me wrong. I love being pregnant. They said, "Pregnancy is the easiest, embrace it. Trust me, once the baby is out, you are no longer you." HAHAH! I think I can imagine that, to live life as a mom, taking care of your lil kiddo is no easy task. You literally have no time for yourself, only focusing on your baby and taking care of the house while your husband is out for work.
I am enjoying my last moment of being pregnant and I am super grateful to bear this healthy baby inside me and Alhamdulillah, no complications detected so far and I am in my week 39 of pregnancy, also baby is already in its position to be delivered anytime soon now, no breech.
But due to this Covid-19 pandemic currently happening all around the world, I tend to get worried and anxious about the fact that I will be delivering my first baby in a world like this, in its worst state. I talk to my baby every day, telling on how sorry I am that my baby has to be born in times like this and I will do anything to protect my baby from those harmful, cruel, evil things out there. This pandemic, included.
If you ask how's my third trimester, I'd say, "Fine, I am enjoying it..." but in a way, deep down inside, I am panicking whether or not I can provide the best things for my baby and have to learn on how to fully protect my baby. This outbreak is absolute no joke and it is a serious matter that most of us take it very lightly.
I am already in my 9-month of pregnancy and my husband is working and he rarely comes home due to his shifts, and its kinda dangerous for me to stay at home all alone in case if my water breaks whilst my husband is at work. Not funny. So, I have been staying at my parents' for almost a month now, I have been working from home and been self-quarantine with my family here for a week plus due to the restriction of movement or movement control order (MCO) by the Malaysian government until end of this month, inshaAllah. But let's say if positive cases in Malaysia does not go down by then, I think we might have to extend the MCO, maybe? I don't know, I don't want to spread any fake news or anything, it is just my personal opinion but I think we are still not fully protected. Boo you, ignorant people out there. It's not that hard to save lives by doing nothing and stay home!
Well anyways, enough of this negative, headache-guaranteed issue, back to my third trimester. Ehem.
Alhamdulillah, I am healthy, baby is healthy and moving around A LOT! Very active baby, this one, and a heavy one too (3.4kg for week 39), stretches a lot, tiny feet hitting my ribs for several times a day, thumb-sucking kind, probably right-handed human being because sucks his/her right thumb, loves to smile every time we check his/her out via ultrasound scan. He/she shares 85% of my husband's features, LOL, and fat fingers and fists, symmetrical feet, hiccups once a day for like 5-10 minutes, very much in deep sleep after eating, moving around a lot when hungry. I am so in love with my baby, can't you tell?
What hurts during third trimester and how to overcome it?
- Backache - massage and sleep with tons of pillows with you
- Sole (tapak kaki) & calves lenguh - massage
- Hard to get a perfect sleep position - sleep with tons of pillows with you and keep changing positions
- Hard to walk due to heavy baby - wear a maternity belt and hold your belly while walking and ask someone to support you
- Sometimes you pee a little when you sneeze (LOL!) - wear a panty liner, do Kegel exercise, pee often so that your urinary bladder is not full
- Shortness of breath - try to focus on your breath, do a proper breathe in (through nose) and breathe out (through mouth)
- Muscle stiffness all over your body - do stretching especially if you have been sitting for too long, walk around every half an hour
- Yawning - I don't know about the rest of you, but I tend to yawn a lot. This is due to lack of oxygen in your brain, dehydration and tired. Tackle this by drink plenty of fluid, get enough rest. You can sleep as much as you want now because you won't get any once the baby is out. LOL!
Other than these, I also been doing a lot of research by reading articles and asking people around about more essential items for newborn baby once he/she is here, what is the best stroller, car seat, baby crib/cot, best breast pump, either auto or manual, do I need baby formula milk, lactation cookies/supplements and stuff. Pretty much haven't bought anything yet. Reason number one: current MCO happening across the world, reason number two: my baby will choose it on behalf of me, so I need to wait until the baby is out to make sure it suits him/her. Or else, I will buy it for nothing.
Hospital bag for three of us: me, husband and baby are all packed. Birth plan is ready. I opt for epidural because one, my pain threshold is very low, I can stub my toe and I will scream my lungs out loud because the pain is freakin unbearable. Two, I plan to have a lot of babies, so I don't want my first one to be like, "alright, that's it. It's painful, I don't want another baby". Three, I want to enjoy the labour process. Four, why not? Why do I want choose to feel the pain rather than opt for something that is painless. Right? I mean, at least that is my plan. Epidural, normal labour. In case of any emergency c-section, I would go for it. Anything that is necessary, of course. I just want my baby and myself to be safe and healthy.
Well yeah, that basically it.
Next post will be about "What's in my hospital bag?" for all three: the mom, the baby and the dad :) Thanks for still sticking around, guys.