Wednesday, October 18, 2017

MxS Engagement Ceremony

Event: Malina & Syazwan's Engagement Day
Date: 18th February 2017
Day: Saturday
Time: 8pm - 11pm
Venue: My home
Who was there: Family, relatives & closest friends


Countless thanks to my family members, relatives, friends, neighbours, and last by no means least, massive thank you to my partner and my future in-laws, family, relatives and also friends, for all your love, pray and amazing help and support to make the engagement ceremony goes beautifully and smoothly without a hitch. Thank you for coming all the way to memeriahkan lagi majlis. Alhamdulillah. Thank you for helping to make our February 18 come true. Apologize for any uneasiness or perturbed that may/may not caused. Once again, thank you for joining us for the engagement ceremony, may Allah ease everything and we shall see each other again very very soon for the next event, InshaAllah. I am forever grateful. Alhamdulillah ❤️💕

It was a very short period between the time MSA proposed to me (I think it was on November 2016), and the merisik (on January 7th 2017) and the engagement day which was a month after the merisik. The preparation was made in a very short time, approximately a month, just right after the merisik. 

Alhamdulillah, everything was easy. The bookings were easy, the vendors and everything are available though it was only a month away for the event. I made a very last minute appointments with the spa for facial and body scrub, mani/pedi, dulang hantaran and those fresh flowers my mom and I picked out ourselves from the market. MSA and I went to most of all jewelry shops in KL to find the perfect engagement ring.

Speaking of engagement ring, did you know that MSA actually surprised me and I wasn't even there when he bought it? He has been observing me and my taste in rings so he knew all along which particular type or design of ring I love. So he did manage to find the perfect one and he knows that I will love it.

And also the clear tent and caterer. And the dress. Fun fact about the dress: I actually bought the dress from Variante like a few years ago for Eid (Hari Raya) but I never got the chance to wear it because it has to alter a bit since I bought one size bigger. I did not have the time to send it to tailor and that is the reason why I never wore it for that year's Eid. Managed to alter it as my engagement dress few years after and it looked perfectly beautiful. My tailor, Kak Intan has done it nicely. Added a few touch of hers with some sequins and beads and make it to look a little less-jubah and more-to-dress and voila!

For the headscarf and the most gorgeous veil, believe it or not, I managed to find it exactly 24 hours before the engagement day. Ariani offers a lot of different colours and designs for the scarfs and also the veil and the staff were very attentive and I tried quite a few in the fitting room but none of it suits the dress. My mom and I were about to give up and one of the staffs told us, "Wait, I think I have exactly what you meant and what you need. Give me 10 minutes.". We waited while still trying on few other options and then a few minutes later, this person handed me the perfect veil, the design, the colour, the material, you name it. Everything is perfect for the dress and I am absolutely obsessed with it!

When my mom and I were back home from Ariani, everything at home was sorted out. Two tents are up, whole entire home are cleaned and furnitures were outside in the car porch. Dulang hantaran deco and the pelamin were arranged the next day in the morning. Caterer is ready with the food, everything is set and I got my makeup done at 5pm. Got dressed and I was pretty nervous. My girlfriends were with me the entire time and they helped me got through the pre-engagement jitters very well.

Then one of my aunts held my hand and escorted me to the simple yet beautiful pelamin. The scent of the daisies, roses and calla lilies mixed together were all filled in the living hall. I was nervous, my palms were sweaty and MSA's mom came to sit beside me on the bench at the pelamin. She was holding the ring box, opened the box and took the ring out and my heart beats fast. My upper lip was wet. I do not know why I was nervous but I was. MSA's mom held my right hand and put the ring on my finger. I said, "Alhamdulillah, aunty. Thank you." and she replied with, "Alhamdulillah, I was nervous. This is my first time." and I laughed and said, "Its okay, aunty. This is my first time too!" and we both laughed, hence, the photo we both laughing captured in one of these photos below. It was funny, we both were nervous but Alhamdulillah, it went very well.

Then, the photography session with almost everybody at the event. Then out for dinner and mingling around with relatives and friends. I was nervous to see MSA's face for the first time that night because in our Malay culture, the groom-to-be is not allowed to be in the house while the discussion and the ceremony was held. He is not even allowed to see the mother puts the ring on the bride-to-be's finger. So I did not see him the entire evening except for the photography session. I was scared, somehow, to talk to him or to meet him in the eye. Its kinda embarrassing and overwhelming at the same time, but we did it. The ceremony went smoothly and praise to Allah that we managed to finally stand at this stage in life. We are beyond thankful and grateful for the help of many in the journey of uniting us together in the future, inshaAllah. Thank you to all helps and prayers from our beloved ones and may Allah bless this journey and may Allah ease everything for us both.


Dress by: Variante
Tailored by: Intan Tailor
Headscarf & veil by: Ariani
Makeup by: Ainaa Farhanah
Dulang hantaran deco by: Idieana Rozaidi
Welcome board hand calligraphy by: Letters by Juey
Calla Lily hand bouquet by: Mommy
Pelamin deco by: Mommy, aunties & cousins
Photographer & videographer by: Everybody. LOL!

Malina Azman

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017! (Its already October 2017 actually...)

P/s: Before you continue reading this, this post was in my draft box, last edited on December last year. I just noticed it like a minute ago, so why not if I just click "POST" now. LOL!


Hello! I have been meaning to post a blog especially about what happened throughout this year and jotting down on upcoming and exciting events for the next year, but workloads have been holding me back for quite some time and its 40 minutes past 1 in the morning now, I finally got the time.

2016 has been such an inspiring yet a teeny bit of challenges but I keep myself to be optimistic and positive at all times to get through stuff, to take things slow yet steady and to take it day by day. And here we are, the finishing line of 2016. Its New Year's Eve now and all I can think about is 2017 and its content.

I am already on my bed, ready to sleep but my brain keeps on planning on stuff, of what to do and what to achieve for next year. Usually I have this "new year's resolutions" coming on, but when I set the bar too high, that's when the resolution remains as a resolution and I had to carry it forward to the following year. LOL! But not for 2017 (I hope), I want to do things differently, but better, I want to be more positive and perseverance of what's coming. Of course I want everything to go smoothly and great, but I need to prepare emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically strong to get through anything, both ups and downs in life.

Hence, I need to do a resolution that I can do or follow by planning to do it by daily goals, weekly, monthly and of course, in the long-term run, to achieve it before the year ends. So I am setting my goals by day/week/month/year and it might work out or it might not, but I think we should try. If it doesn't work, that I need to be more discipline and try again next year. LOL!

Below are recaps by months, of what happened in my life in 2016. To actually type it all out here, is very overwhelming for me. 2016 has been nothing but great and it is kinda sad to say goodbye. I have done the very best and I have no regrets. It makes me who I am today. So yeah!


I was in Doha, spending time with my dad. It was month one, and I have been eating healthily and led a very healthy lifestyle with my constant workout, introducing myself detox waters, experimenting new detox water and recipes, I cooked almost everyday, I shopped a lot too, and enjoying myself during the winter. I read a lot, including reading myself a translation Quran which I now know the meaning of those amazing verses and I also learn to play a guitalele.


Spent my time in London and Paris with my family. It is the most amazing trip I have ever experienced before. London is the best, Paris is such a breathtaking place to visit. Loving the place, the people, the food, the weather. Ahh. What's better than spending winter time in Europe? Sigh. I missed London. Paris too. When can we visit there again? LOL!


Back in Malaysia after three months of spending time in Doha and Europe with my family. Finally reunited with my friends and my loved ones. I was suffering from chronic jet-lagged (LOL!) for about a month or so and spent my March just hanging out with my friends.


Can't really recall on what I did on April but more like went on trips here and there around Malaysia. Just enjoying time in tropical climate on Malaysia's beaches and cities. Went out to see my friends, went to the gym and just focusing on keeping myself fit and healthy. And was busy finding for inner peace too! Lewlz.


I didn't know what happened between these months, because I think I skipped it all. LOL! Basically just staying at home, finding jobs, hanging out with friends, went on trips with my family and that was it. HAHAH!


Decided to own an online business while waiting for a permanent job from companies. The business had a great response from buyers but unfortunately I brought in only two batches from Doha, Abu Dhabi & Dubai. It lasted until last November since the last stock has been sold out.


Busy with my abaya online business.


I finally have a job as Web Content Coordinator!


Malina's Shellout Bachelorette Beach Party

Ahh. Beach or to be exact, bish party.

How did it start? How on Earth I agreed to be blindfolded and followed to this sandy place? So here we go...

It was on Wednesday, I was at work. Busy with my workload. Usually MSA (my fiancé) will send me his usual morning text and have a great day kinda thing and we will update each other about the wedding preparation and all. We rarely meet during weekdays due to workload so we usually will meet either on Saturday or Sunday to buy things and follow up with wedding vendors and update each other and all that, so while was working that very Wednesday, I was pretty occupied with work, I suggested him to meet on Saturday (which was yesterday), but he said he will be busy out with friends. So I said "Oh okay, Sunday then?" and he said okay. So instead of waiting and moping around the fact that he will be busy on Saturday, I plotted other plans for me during Saturday and continue doing my work.

So fast forward to Friday night. He texted me saying that his friends cancelled the Saturday plan and he can go out with me instead. I told him that I already have plans but he insisted on me following him to some places in Putrajaya. I was "Okay, what is up in Putrajaya" and he said, "I have this friend who introduces me to this investment talk and I know you would like to attend such talk, so why don't we go? I will pick you up at home around 3pm. Okay?". And I don't believe the fact that he said his initial plan is cancelled but then there is other plan with his friends to attend a talk. An investment talk. He said not to worry because all of his friends' wives will be there as well. I was "What am I supposed to wear then if you don't tell me where is exactly we're headed to and what we're doing there?". He still insists, he never forced me to do anything but this one was different. I am not sure what is but it was.

So I asked my mom, can I go out with him on Saturday instead of Sunday and my mom said okay for less than a second after I asked her. That was weird, I thought. Because usually when I ask permission to go out from my parents, they will ask, "Why? When? With whom? Are you driving? Someone will pick you up? What time you will be back?" and so on. Yes, I do have super protective parents, believe it or not. Hihi

Despite the fact that I do not have anything suitable to wear, I also have no idea whether it will be indoor or outdoor, how many person will attend and is it going to be too formal or just a casual kinda thing. I asked MSA again, "What to wear? I need to know exactly what event this is so that I know exactly what to wear.". Ahh, ladies, ladies. Can you imagine if you are wearing a formal attire to a party or too casual for an annual meeting? You have to know exactly what the event is or else you will end up embarrassing yourself wearing something that is too off.

So I put on something in between. Something in the middle just to be safe. To play safe, at least. Not going to embarrass myself, am I? Short blush scallop blouse, drape wide ankle length purple pants with some patterned headscarf and just a classic lambskin Chanel in blush. With nude flats. So yeah. MSA picked me up at home around 3pm and we are off to Pullman Putrajaya. He wasn't so sure the route we were taking yesterday, so I was his Waze (forever will be . LOL!), and we reached PICC at 4pm something and he pulled over by the bus stop. I told him, "Let's go, we are going to be late for the talk. Why are you stopping?". And his left hand reached for something in the back pocket of his seat and I asked, "What are you doing? What are you gonna do to me?". I was scared! Then he has this light green baby blanket and said, "I am sorry but I am gonna have to blindfold you, babe." Ahh, hell no. I am not signing up for this. Is he gonna do something to me or what, I thought. HAHAH!

I said no for like thousand times then he persuaded me and tell me that it is going to be alright, trust me. Then I turned my back towards him and he blindfolded me, in the car. Just like that. And me being the usual me, I know route so well, so I know where he was taking me. The car was heading to Pullman Lakeside. The car stopped, he jumped out of the car and opened the door for me.

I grabbed his shirt as I was about to walk in complete darkness and asked him thousand of questions, like, "Where are we going? Are they many people around me now? Everybody is watching? This is embarrassing. I heard someone jogs beside me, are we in the park? There's a kid's voice. Is this a playground?" We walked for almost 5 minutes, and he stopped and said "Babe, I need to take your shoes off." I am like, hell noooo. For those who know me, I am the one who practises a good hygiene and cleanliness and a germ freak. So taking off my shoes in public places is a big no no. But he was already on his knee, so I am like, okay. I am going to marry this guy, so I have to trust him no matter how silly that idea was. Taking off my shoes. Pfft.

So he took off my flats and one step taken, it was sandy. Are we in the playground, you know those area with sandbox for kids to play in a playground but it was quite a journey to walk, so I was not in a sandbox. Few steps forward, MSA left me. He let go of me and ran. I was screaming and told him that I was going to uncover my eyes and he said no. So I was standing there like an idiot for like 5 minutes. I heard nothing. Complete silence. Yelled for his name but no answers. I started crying (yup, while I was blindfolded!), and said, "This is embarrassing, can I take this off?". Then somebody hit my leg with a balloon and threw a handful of sand on my feet. I thought, this guy is going to pay for this. Then somebody reached me and uncover my eyes and they said "Surpriseeeee!".

I can't see clearly who's who and what's what because from darkness to a bright sunny day outside, I can't see anybody. But I know I heard familiar voices and I cover my face with my hands and started crying again. I removed my hands and saw my favourite girls standing on this little beach. I can't see the tent or the setup yet because I was busy crying and saying "Oh my god" while hugging my girls one by one. 

 It was the most annoying, terrifying and tiring yet new feeling and experience for me. I never thought that somebody would do such thing to me, about this whole surprise thing because I am the one who always organizes things, not the other way around. I guess, there is always a first for everything.

So yeah. Izzy and Juey (two out of my nine bridesmaids) were putting the shell tiara on me and the most creative sash written "Baby Maker". LOL!

And then, I saw the setup. It was beautiful. I have always wanted a little beach party or occasion of my own at the beach and I have it now. It was a perfect day. We had pizza, Korean chicken, plenty of desserts; mini tarts, pavlova, brownies. I was spoiled by them. Totally spoiled. Enjoyed our meal while catching up and story-telling about me and how they got to know me and our embarrassing moments together while the sun is setting, ready to say goodbye for the day. It was perfect. Alhamdulillah.

I could not ask for more, honestly. These ladies and MSA of course, have been nothing but the most loving, supportive and very kind to me. I don't know where did I go right and how I am at this stage in life, but I am pretty sure that God has the best plan for me so far. Alhamdulillah.

The fact that my best friend already approached my sister about this party while I was in Sydney in July and my sister and MSA approached my parents to get approval of this day (October 14th 2017), that was amazing. I have no clue at all.

They have been plotting and planning this for months and I must say, they have done it perfectly. So shout out to my parents, my sister; Marissa, my ladies; Juey, Ila, Izzy, Nelly, Aena, Lynette and Fairuz and the missing ones, Rai & Kiki and of course, not to forget, my fiancé, MSA. Thank you all, thank you so much for the effort, time and money spent on this and for me. I am beyond grateful and thankful. I love you guys so bloody much.

Do enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy it.

Yes, I was crying while I am blindfolded. LOL!

The setups.

The seashell tiara by Izzy Sudirman.

Chocolate pavlova by Izzy Sudirman.

Korean chicken by Aainaa Zulkafly.

Happiest girl alive.

And with her girls...

My bishes.

Hand lettering by Juey Adlin.

Guest seating card by Juey Adlin.

My ladies and two missing.

Lucky. Loved. Blessed.

My lovely kidnapper.

Malina's Shellout Bish Bachelorette party.


I love you all X