Welcoming and also ending my second trimester with... lower back ache! Yay!
No, its definitely not a "yay" thing to celebrate but I managed to go through my second trimester with flying colours! If there is such a thing with rating it like that.
Alhamdulillah, my second trimester went smoothly. No more vomiting after my fourth month, I gained back my energy, I finally can do my chores but I was hospitalized during my week 17 due to my backbone that caused by my previous injury happened in 2009.
Hospitalized for a week, went for couple of hydro physiotherapy, did some swimming and cat poses, my best friends became from human beings to medicine; Perskindol, AcuStop & ice packs.
Then it got worse. I cannot walk, I could not get up from the bed, basically need my husband 24/7 to lift and carry me everywhere, getting inside the car was bad, getting out of it was worse, I need my coccyx pillow all the time (currently I have two coccyx pillows; one in the car, another one at work). I need my pregnancy pillow every time I lie down on my side to support this heavy baby.
Asked my husband for a babymoon on November 11 to spend time and celebrate our 2nd year anniversary. Nothing fancy or far from the city, just someplace special for us to focus on our relationship and being truly present while the baby is still inside me. LOL!
Going for monthly checkups are the best thing because I can meet our baby - though just from the screen, yes. But seeing my baby breathing and moving and smiling and playing with the cord are so overwhelming. Never failed to make me think, "Allahuakbar, there is a tiny human being inside me. We made a tiny human, husband. And its inside me right now."
Blessed. Alhamdulillah.
Though this backache problem will not go away anytime soon but I know it will be all worth it. To have this baby is no doubt a blessing. We are truly blessed, my husband and I.
Thank you for the well wishes and duas from friends and family. InshaAllah, may Allah ease my pregnancy journey and this prenatal jaunt to practice ourselves to become parents :)
Love, MA
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