Thursday, October 8, 2020

13 Ultimate Must-Haves For Your Baby's First Solid Food


Starting your baby's first solid food is nothing but fun! And a mess too. LOL! But personally, for me, it is the most fun part about having a baby, meal time! I love to see how my daughter really enjoy food other than just breastmilk and at times she will be like spaced out in-between spoon for me to feed, and most probably she is thinking, "Wow, I wasted my whole 6 months of life tasting just the milk from my mom whilst there are a lot more other flavours in the world?". That dialogue is 99.9% accurate because a mother knows everything. LOL!

It is an exciting journey and it can be pretty daunting too. Parents will think, "What to buy? Which one to choose? What is the best products or brands in the market right now? If this really works for my baby? I am busy, I do not have time to do all these. What to Google for them? What is solid food? What is puree? Do I need to buy bunch of other things?"

No worries.

I have prepared this list for you to take a look at and to get some ideas on how to start and what are the ultimate essentials for your baby's first solid food. Let's begin!

1) High chair / Booster chair

Jellymom Wise Chair

I was contemplating at first on whether to buy the high chair or just a booster chair like this one. Thought of buying both but space is a luxury thing. So I opted for Jellymom Wise Chair since it is easy to carry one, for example if we were having meals at restaurants, I can just pop this chair under the stroller, push it around and since most restaurants do not allow their customers to bring in the stroller due to space limitations, I can just bring this wise chair inside, attach it onto the restaurant's chair and let my baby sit on it instead of me carrying her while I am enjoying my meal (if you don't opt for the restaurant's shared highchair). It also acts as a booster seat, so we don't have to buy any other booster seat as our kids grow older. Other than, I also use this chair for my baby's playtime. She can play in it that I just put on the floor on her playmat without me worrying her falling off from a high place. It is easy, it is safe, it is comfy for my baby to sit on since it has a jelly-like silicone seat, it is easy to clean, no problem with getting it wet, it is pretty, I like the colour choices and I can use it for years!

Where I bought it: Jumping Baby Jacks

2) Baby Food Processor / 2-in-1 Steamer/Blender

Philips Avent Essential Baby Food Maker

I opted Philips Avent instead of the rest because, number one, the price. I honestly think Philips has a good price range on their products, it is not overpriced and I know it is a good quality product and a reliable brand. This is something I can trust and afford to buy. Since babies only eat pureed food until they reach one year old, spending thousands of ringgit for only 6 months usage, is something I think about -A LOT. I prioritize on the functions of a baby food maker/processor, make sure it has something that can ease my way to serve food for my child. Steam, checked. Blend, checked. To cook rice in it, checked. It is so easy to use, easy to clean and no messy kitchen, that's important. I like how clean the design is, how firm it is; you immediately know this is a good product. The steam works well, the blending part is so easy. Never thought of preparing food is this much fun. LOL!

Where I bought it: Shopee

3) Silicone food utensils

Beaba Silicone meal set (4 pcs)

Let me tell you, THIS, IS, BASIC, NEED. Silicone utensils with suction bottom is a game-changer. No more food spills, no more mess, no more flying plates and cups, no more breaking plates and cups. Those are few reasons why. LOL. Next is, I love that it is silicone so that my baby can bite on it when she tries to feed herself. The cup and spoon are soft to bite on. It is light, easy to clean and this is the basic item you will need to start the journey of your baby's first solid food.

Where I bought it: Babydash

4) Silicone baby food dispensing spoon

Haakaa food dispensing spoon

You might need this and you might not. It depends on your lifestyle and depends on your preference if you like to feed them with a bowl and a spoon or just through this food dispenser. For me, personally, I really enjoy using this food dispenser spoon. More like on-the-go kinda thing, also I need things to be fast and super easy with no mess, then I am all up for it. I use this for snacks that I can easily reach it and it is just one spoon away to feed my baby. The food only comes out when you press on the silicone tube and pop the lid back if you finish feeding your baby. Just wash the spoon part and you can use it again without wasting any food. I also use this for expressed breast milk to feed my daughter to train her on using spoon since she still say no to bottles. And it works, thank God!

Where I bought it: Babydash

5) Food feeding teether

Dr. Brown’s™ Fresh Firsts™ Silicone Feeder

This item definitely a must if you opt for BLW instead of puree. I use this product to introduce my daughter with new food especially for snacks, like, avocado or steamed apple. Just enough for her to taste new flavours and at the same time, for her to get the nutrients while exploring new food. And oh yes, this also promotes your child's motor skill since they need to hold the food feeder to feed themselves.

Where I bought it: Shopee

6) Silicone bibs

This is no doubt a must-have item in order to keep your house neat and clean while your babies are happily enjoying their meal. You will need this. There is catcher at the end of the bib to catch any food spills, so you don't have to worry about any mess happening on the floor. It's silicone, so it is easy to clean, just wash off any food stain with soap and water, dry it off and you can use it again for the next meal. Say no to disposable/plastic products!

Where I bought it: Shopee

7) Splash/Splat mat

Splash mat is needed when you allow your child to feed themselves, especially baby led-weaning. Those food nicely arranged in your baby's plate won't be inside the plate anymore. It will be all over the place especially when they are new to this food world! They will eat using their hands (yes, plural. Hands), but the food sometimes missed their mouth. It will be on their faces or they will throw it, mash the food and splat it all over the floor. So it is better to have a splash mat placed under your baby's highchair or wise chair, so that they can explore the food better without the parent(s) interrupting them. You can choose the washable plastic mat that can be washed with washing machine for hassle-free, easy cleaning.

Where I bought it: Shopee

8) Baby rusks / food-to-go

Heinz: Farley's Rusks Original & Heinz Baby Fruit Puree

Food-to-go is needed mostly when you're lazy. HAHAH! That, and also when you are traveling. No such thing as bringing all those food processor and bowl and buying groceries while you are on a trip. But this is an option because certain parents won't allow their child to have any processed food until they hit a certain age, so they would prefer to bring their own food for their baby when traveling.

Where I bought it: Babydash

9) Baby Led Weaning recipe book / cookbook

The Baby & Toddler Cookbook

Any baby cookbook would do based on your preferences. Any recipes that suit your baby will do just fine, just be in mind on the age of your baby whether or not they can consume the food yet. You should read and do a lot of research or ask your pediatrician whether your baby age can eat the food and also don't forget to check for your baby's allergies as well.

Where I bought it: Kinokuniya

10) Wet wipes

Applecrumbyâ„¢ Extra Thick Premium Baby Wipes

Because it will be a mess all over your baby's face! And hands. Sometimes shoulders and hair. And the food tray. LOL! So it is best for a quick wipe before you head to the faucet to clean them with water.

Where I bought it: Applecrumby

11) Baby food storage cups

Autumnz EASY Baby Food Storage Cups

Yes, you will need these babies to store extra purees you have made. Babies only eat a small amount of food per serving and usually the food you have prepared by the food processor is always more than per serving meal. This will save time and energy for the next meal preparation. Hop on to a steamer or microwave to heat it up and you can serve the food right away.

Where I bought it: Babydash

12) Bottle/Utensils cleaner

Applecrumbyâ„¢ Bottle & Utensil Cleaner

You need a good 'ol trusted, organic-ingredients products for your baby. I am using Applecrumby Bottle & Utensil Cleaner to wash Alana's cutleries and bibs. Only one pump away to the scrubbing sponge and everything will be as good and clean as new.

Where I bought it: Applecrumby

13) Groceries

Preparing food for your baby is so fun! From picking the best and freshest food products in a market, to preparing it and to feed them are nothing but joy. Groceries and good food products are actually the ultimate must-have to feed your baby their first solid food. Opt for all natural food like, fruits and vegetables. Do research beforehand on what you can or cannot give them at their current age, check for allergies as well before you buy your groceries. First food I bought for Alana were baby rice, bananas, apples, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, avocados. My pediatrician asked me to only give Alana rice porridge for the first week of solid food, then can gradually try and mix the rice with some veggies like broccoli or carrots.


Different baby has a different growth rate. No babies are the same. Kindly seek for your pediatrician on when to start your baby's first solid food and enjoy the journey! It is fun!

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