Saturday, January 26, 2013

dip n dip, Bangsar

Waffle with chocolate

Pancakes with chocolate

dip n dip

Laundry Picks @ The Curve

Came to support them both :)

Nabeel Z & Emilia Z

Mordo Blasters



With Nabeel, Emilia and Marz

With Nelly D

Awesome job, guys! It was awesome! We all loved it :)

Laundry Picks, every Thursday night

My awesome people; Nelly and Nabeel

So we all went to Laundry at The Curve, last Thursday (Jan 17th) with bunch of other MMU dudes and dudettes. We all came to support our dearest friends; Nabeel and Emilia to perform a live show (Gig show, to be exact) at Laundry, The Curve. It wasn't their first time performing in front of people, but we all think that, "Hey, this could be huge, man! Could be awesome!" So yeah, why not kan, datang to support them and enjoy the music. There were, I think 4 or 5 other bands/groups/solos performing that night and I had a great time, enjoying new and fresh music to be registered in my brain. I was like, "Ohkay, these songs are nice. Boleh terhangguk-hangguk and kaki sibuk nak tap-tap kat lantai." To be honest, it was my first time (kot?) to be in Laundry and first time to witness a live show like that. I think so? Well, for music-wise like that lah, those gigs and stuff. Selalunya went to see orchestra at the philharmonic hall (MPO) in KLCC. Yeah, first time for everything right? Don't worry, I went to support my friends and enjoy the music. Bukan minum or terkinja-kinja or smoking or whatever. Just, that :) And to Nabeel and Emilia, you guys did an amazing job! Good music, good vibe. The whole Laundry loved it! Keep it up! *love*

Malina Azman, x

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ben's Independent Grocer, Publika

Went to BIG for grocery-shopping

Fresh ingredients, I tell you!

My favourite tea of all; Peach.

What's in my trolley?

It's fun.

Mesti pergi, mesti cuba, mesti makan.

So apparently I have this long list of "MPMCMM". It means Mesti Pergi, Mesti Cuba, Mesti Makan (or in English; Must Go, Must Try, Must Eat). I am gonna list them all down here in my blog. Hope that I can share with you and for those yang pernah pergi ke tempat tersebut, don't share it with me! I want to surprise myself! I want to try these new places to fill up my tummy and my desires. LOL! So here's the list. (The striked ones, are the ones I've already been to). And these are the restaurants that I've been dying to go to!

Grafa Cafe
Plan B
Fish & Chippery
Page 2
The Bee
Red Beanbag
The Apartment
The Cabin
Fat Spoon Cafe
Burger Bakar Kaw-Kaw
On The Table
Nathalie's Gourmet Studio
The Pink Sage
Namoo on the Park

P/s: Enough? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Totally gonna add some more later! :D And kinda attracted to "indie" cafe right now. The ones with arts and all that. Don't know why, I just do. love


Picknik Comfort Food Cafe, Publika Solaris Dutamas

Caesar Salad with Beef Bacon

Cream of Mushroom with Garlic Bread

Baked Salmon Sandwich

Aglio Olio


The bar/the kitchen

Meet the friendly-chef himself, Nik Michael Imran

Good job, Nik! Your food's awesome!

"How's the food? Okay tak?", asked by the chef. LOL!

So I went out with Mommy and Sissy, last Sunday. I was supposed to send Sissy's car to the service center then things happened and Mommy said, "Jom pergi Publika? We go brunch then grocery-shopping at BIG." So I drove them to Solaris Dutamas, and always wanted to try this new restaurant that has been launched about 7 weeks ago (I think), and dragged them loves to "Picknik". We went a bit early that morning and Nik and his crews were busy setting up the restaurant (Opens at 11am, yalls!).

So the first thing I noticed when I entered the restaurant was the bar/the kitchen. I love the concept of open kitchen that provides the customers with a full-view of the food preparation and we can finally have our meal without any doubt how's the kitchen looks like. LOL! No no, don't worry, Picknik's kitchen is squeaky-clean and you can see the chef's masterpiece and the whole crew and they will served the food, freshly in your plate. Yay!

We took plenty of time to decide on what to eat since there are too many scrumptious-meals' names on the menu! You can see yourself from the picture I captured (scroll up), various choices of Pasta, Salads, Soups, Mains, Tapas and even plenty choices of tea and coffee, juice and yes, desserts as well!

As you can see, I ordered 5 different meals. Since I had my brunch here, so I ate something that can soothe my tummy since it was still morning. We had 'Caesar Salad with Beef Bacon', I fell in love with the dressings and the fresh, crunchy salad and the bacon is well-cooked. The mixture of hot bacon and cold salads just makes it, perfect. So refreshing especially when you have it, in the morning? For the 'Cream of Mushroom with Garlic Bread', I really thought that the mushroom cream soup would be thick but it turned out to be so smooth and very creamy, down your throat. Phew. And I had the 'Baked Salmon Sandwich' for my main course, I LOVE THE SALMON. Fullstop. The taste is just so right, well-mixed in my mouth. Okay, now I am craving for it, badly! Mommy and Sissy both had the pasta. I tasted it, of course. It was so good and how I wish that the portion would be much bigger to fill the hungriness in my tummy! Loved the Breakfast Tea, and Cranberry Juice. Perfect to start our Sunday morning :)

The customer service is good, waiters are very alert and friendly and the sous-chefs are superbly friendly. One of the chef was so friendly, she can even chit-chatting with me while she was busy in the kitchen. And the main chef himself is friendly too! I asked Nik, can I take pictures for my blog thingy and he said, "Oh really? Satu picture, costs 100 bucks tau. *insert serious face here*" Hahah! Great chef with a great sense of humour ah you, Nik! :D

I am pretty sure to come back here in the future to try out the desserts pula *wink* All the best and keep up the awesome work you have there! *\o/*

You can be as lucky as I am too to taste the delicious food and just find it here in Picknik!

UG1-05, Block A4, Publika, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-64116499

Rating: ★★★★☆

Malina Azman, x

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Serai, Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya

Desserts *lovestruck*

Char Koay Teow

Thai Fried Rice

Chicken Mushroom Spaghetti

My fav Sirap Selasih!

The famous Berry Pavlova. Total foodgasm!

Welcome to Serai! And I bet most of you already heard about this awesome restaurant and you may think that I am so 2008 but hey, most of you may have heard it but have you tried it? Ah-haa! This is the time for you to taste every single thing that is written beautifully in the menu. With the concept of minimalist (which I really adore!), you will enter the restaurant with the thought of "Okay, I'm gonna like this place. No, I am gonna love it!". But wait until you walk to choose your own table with the waiter/waitress escorting you at the back and the service is just, suuuu-peerrbbbhhh! Just like a 5-star hotel's service. Really. For those who really know me, they may think that I exaggerated too many stuff but this is for real. The service is so nice and the best part is that you don't have to wait for your food to arrive after you ordered from the waiter. It may take, max 15 minutes and voila, you can enjoy your food! The hardest part is when you want to order what you want to eat. LOL! But thank goodness I have Timmy the tummy, he knows what he wants so I have no problem with taking so long to order things. So many great food, and you will ask this to yourself, "Why on Earth I tak pergi withdraw duit tadi? Why bawa RM100 je? Should be more!". Hahah! But, Alhamdulillah at least you got the chance to eat awesome food! To be honest, it is a bit pricey but I think it is worth for every penny. Awesome ambiance, awesome customer service, awesome food. What do you expect from a homegrown-Malaysian restaurant?

Outlets: Shaftsbury Square Cyberjaya, Empire Shopping Gallery Subang Jaya, Section 3 Shah Alam, Paradigm Mall

Rating: ★★★★★

Malina Azman, x