
I don't really have clear resolutions to achieve for this year of 2013. But as for now, I think I just need to focus on what I'm doing right now; studying hard and smart for my final year of Bachelor Degree in IT, which only God knows when I will finish it. Lewlz. I want to get AT LEAST 3.0 GPA for this trimester. I want my CGPA to be above 3.5! And I want to finish early, if possible by end of the year. I need to study smart and work hard. Be punctual and do not procrastinate. I want to be a better person, as in improving myself. So that I won't have such attitude anymore. I want to be a good planner in life. I want to improve myself in terms of time management. And I want to be more discipline. I want to exercise more. I want to gain more weight. I need to be 50kg by end of the year or else Daddy would scold me. LOL! I want to be more independent. I don't want to depend on others. I want to be more tolerance in everything. I want to open my mind to any possibilities in life. I want to travel more. I want to eat more. I want to earn some cash, my own income, my own money. I want to make people happy to be around me. I want to improve myself, in every possible aspects. I want to be grateful and thankful for having this beautiful life with beautiful people around me. I WANT TO BE HAPPY. I need to be happy. I deserve to be happy. That is all I need.
Malina Azman, x
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