Adj. | 1. | rude - socially incorrect in behavior; "resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion" bad-mannered, ill-mannered, unmannered, unmannerly impolite - not polite |
2. | rude - (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace bounderish, ill-bred, lowbred, underbred, yokelish unrefined - (used of person and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; "how can a refines girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?" | |
3. |
rude - lacking civility or good manners; "want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue"- Willa Cather
uncivil ( : Rude) And none of the above gives non-negative impressions/expressions. Like, zero. So it keeps me thinking, why on Earth they are just so many people that have this kind of attitude? It is very fascinating on how often you encounter with rude people. Classic example, while you are driving, they are just too many rude and uncivilized people on the road. You are actually sharing the same road with those weird-minded people out there. I am not judging or blaming anyone. But I could not help it and ask myself, "Why are there so many rude people in here? Where are those manners and civilized-minded people?" or if bahasa kasar in Bahasa, we say, "Kurang ajar betul! Mak bapak kau tak ajar ke?!". Something like that. Hihi. As usual, this curiosity and the eager to know why and how and what, this brain is forcing me to Google it up and do my research and read more about this "rude" issue. So I have read like 5 to 6 different articles and studies about rude people and such and I have found quite interesting points! It is true (I know) that not everyone has the right state of mind like you do, and with different backgrounds, interests and views in life, it makes us all different from one another and encounter/ deal with weird attitude and people, it can be haywire sometimes. But why certain people cannot really differentiate between good and bad deeds. Some people might be too ignorant and choose not to say or act with what they should react! Rude or being rude can be categorized in so many ways e.g. At the table (table manner), in language, on the street, how to sit, how to interact with people (conversing with people), etc. It can be so many types of rude which I don't really know why they can't just be normal and be happy and just to have that sense of respect towards others. Oh boy, I don't know why. Most of rude people can't even use their brain wisely and properly, so if you have ever encountered with rude people, these are the steps that you need to do...
We all have our moments of irrationality, it's a very human quality. This most commonly occurs with strangers, who don't expect to see you again and probably don't care about what you think of them. At time, you will get into situations in which people are persistently rude to you. They may have some prejudice of your gender, race, occupation and all that or may be judging you for something else that you've done.
I would normally just say, "I don't need that attitude from you right now. Thanks." LOL! Don't be aggressive or lose your temper, as that will only escalate the situation. Just recognize that they are crazy and all you are trying to do is to limit their annoying behaviour towards you. Remember that you do not have to prove anything to them.
If you think that the rudeness is based on a resolvable misunderstanding, you can extend the confrontation by asking them why they are behaving like that. If they give a rational response that you can address, go for it. If you can resolve the tension, that is the best possible scenario. Some people genuinely don't realize they are being rude. They may not have learned certain social skills. But since this is my blog so I am just going to skip all the steps and tell you what I would usually do. Ask them why and what is wrong and why do you deserve to be treated like that even if it is not your fault. If they have certain points where you think that are acceptable by mankind, then you know what you should do next (I bet you know what to do!). Or if they are the one who being so melodramatic and weird, tell them nicely that you don't really have time to entertain such attitude. I know its kinda harsh, but just say this to them, "I am too positive for this kind of stuff" and just walk away. It may sounds rude to you, but rude people are just too negative! They can never receive good vibes into their brain and heart no matter how bad you really want them to change. Some people are just too... how to put this delicately? Hmm, they are just too, negative-minded and it is best for you to state your point that they bring no good cause into your life and I'm outta here, guuuurrrlllll! *zig zag snap*
How to 'UN-RUDE' them? You cannot be rude to them back because honey, they always going to have rude-r statements to say to you back. They cannot be un-rude. You just walk away, you don't need rude, negative, weird-brain people in your life. They are not worth enough to stay in your brain, your heart and in your life. Okay honeybuns? I really hope you can get through this because it is hard for me too! I have to face with so many rude people out there since I spend most of time, outside, dealing with new people or strangers, every single day.
May Allah bless us all with lots of positive mind and good attitude.
Regards, Malina Azman x |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
"Why do you have to be so rude?"
Friday, September 6, 2013
Alhamdulillah. Thank you.
I want to take this opportunity, to give thanks to Allah, Alhamdulillah that He provides me with good life with beautiful, gorgeous people around me and also with great mind and brain and body. Thank you Allah for giving me a lot of positive energy for me to be in the crowd and manage to appreciate it even more. Most of all, thank you for giving me too many positive and good attitudes along the way that can make me spreading the joy of being positive to others.
I really, really appreciate my readers who have been loyal to this blog since ever. Back when I had the name of "Euphoria" for this blog until the new one; "Malinalism". If you are a loyal reader, then you can see the transformation, the improvement from the new blog to the 2.0 version of Malina Azman.
Well, I have received quite a number of feedback from readers, which I truly appreciate it. Despite of having a busy life of yours, you still have time to read my blog and got more time to even email or private message me on Facebook to say thanks to me! Thank you so much, endless of thanks to you all. Thank you for exploring and craving for more knowledge and vibes thru my blog. I am really glad that I can help people by bebel-ing on my blog. I honestly thought that it is just a small deal and nothing important in here, but I am really happy that I can help you in such amazing way! I am so flattered that they are too many of loyal readers in here, some of you might have been in here for 5 amazing years. This is truly beyond words that I can actually inspire people and I am looking forward to inspire for more! Thank you again, loves, and keep up in being positive. I will do my best to post more positive updates and spreading more good vibes to all of you. Keep yourself updated, yea?
Thank you. You are all too awesome, positive-minded people and future successful person!
Love you all,
Malina Azman x
My dream cars. What about yours?

Audi R8

Range Rover Evoque
It is possible. How?
Effort. Determination. Perseverance. Affirmation. Consistency. Passion. Success. Affluence.
How to stay positive?
"Malina, enough with posting more photos! We want you to type out words and tell us everything that you have done in the past two months!". Alright, I bet no one could ever say that. You all would prefer to just see photos instead of read whatever words I posted. LOL! (Yeah guurrrlll, I read your mind.) And whatever thing that I am about to post later has got nothing to do with the picture above. That is just me, trying out for my presentation's outfit. Was that freakin' out "Oh my god, what to wear for tomorrow's presentation! Take my photo so that I know how do I look for tomorrow!" So yeah.
This time I won't apologize why I have not updated my blog since July. Been too busy with my studies and my part-time job and my other job. July and August are training me hard to be a great juggler. Well, hello September! We meet again. Please be better than last year, it was no good and I really hope you can give something wonderful for me to look forward to.
Well, to recall on what I did in July, I think, most probably I attended hundreds of meetings, handled hundreds of people and interviewed too many people for my project. And not to mentioned, I also learned a lot of things. Like, A LOT. Other than busy with my assignments and projects, tests, exams and quizzes, I was (and still am) busy juggling with my two other jobs. As a financial consultant and also as the co-creator of The Maju Project, I need to stay positive, stay focused and stay committed around the clock.
I have no time to feel negative and frankly speaking, I got no time at all to mingle around and entertain those negative people out there. It is not I am too positive now, it is just that sometimes I feel like why do I have to bother with people's negativity that can affect the positivity in me? So I choose to stay away from those bad vibes and drag myself to be with more positive people.
It is actually not that hard for you to be good and feel good all the time. Well, not ALL the time but at least you know how to manage the problem without feeling stress and you are just too positive to feel down or gloomy. How can you stay positive? First, do not ask that question. Ask yourself, "How can I BE positive?". Ask that and different people will have different ways of having the happy feelings. Like for me, I would normally do this...
Whenever I want to go sleep, lights off, lie on the bed and think, "Okay Malina, what have you done today? Have you achieved something today?" If no, then you are still a negative person, if yes, then, welcome my love... So what if it is no? Ask yourself again, "So what should I achieve tomorrow? What should I do? Something that can make me feel, satisfied with my own effort and I feel useful." I don't know, that works for me. I don't know about you guys. LOL! The tricky part is not how to be positive, it is HOW TO STAY POSITIVE?
This is the hardest part. I failed too many times already. I thought I am a positive person that give good vibes to others but I cannot stay positive for too long if there's something or anything that can make me feel so stressful. For example, when you encounter with rude people. Ohmygod, this is the worst! I thought I was positive enough, like, "Oh yes, I'm gonna do my best today and I will smile no matter what happen. No cursing for today, Malina." And then, poof! Rude people in front of my face. Here comes the bad vibes.
"Learning is by doing it.", it means like practice makes perfect. That's what my boss always tells me. In order to stay positive, you have to encounter with all kinds of people and dramas and situations and bullcraps before you can learn on how to master it. Experience. With these past few months, I have learned a lot of stuff that make me to become a positivi-er person.
What I would usually do when I encounter with negative people,
1) Smile. Just smile. I know it's killing you inside, but just smile. It kills them harder, seriously.
2) If they are still negative, ask them, why and what's wrong.
3) Discuss about the topic, not about the people when you argue or give opinions. In order to get into an argument, I suggest you to gain more knowledge (by reading a lot of stuff) so that you are the one who has the brain, not them.
4) If they say "Whatever" to your face, tell them "Seriously?"
5) Walk away and never talk to them again. LOL!
Sometimes, all you need to do is to have the guts to walk away from these negative-minded people. They are not worth it and they should just learned the hard way. That is all. It works, I managed to stay away from them and now all they want is to be positive. NO number 4 and 5 so far. Alhamdulillah, they can see the benefits of being positive and spreading the good vibes to other people. See, it is not that hard. Just show some good examples and next thing you know, they all want a bit of the good energy. It is contagious, a good one of course. Let's be positive, change our mindset, spread the good vibes and kill the negative aura in your life. You don't have to be strong to be positive, you just have to have the knowledge and the brain to know what's good and what's wrong, inshaAllah, you can master the positive energy. Good luck to you all and me as well :)
Malina Azman
The making of: Malina Azman's Gold Goals
Bahan-bahannya: Photos of whatever things that you want in the future, your stationary (marker, glue, scissor, pencil, eraser, masking tape, any board to stick your photos (I'm using Styrofoam board A1 size)) oh and iPod!
Play your favourite song while you do artsy and crafty thing to get into the creative mood! Hihi.
Wedding & Raya open house
"Italic, Bold, Regular." - Yasmin K.
My BEBBies
At Azie's, her Raya open house :)
July & August
Joined EAAchievers team. I am part of the positive people now!
Meet my TTV team. I am so proud to be the team leader. They are bunch of wonderful people.
The night before our presentation time. Rehearsal for the business plan presentation.
Meet the boys
And the girls :)
During the presentation. Courtesy of Juey A.
And here we are, after the presentation. So happy that we did it well. Haven't slept well for entire trimester just to finish this thing up and Alhamdulillah, it was all worth it. I have managed to handle it well and I am so lucky to have them as my team members. You guys are the best.
During sound recording for animation movie
Photo shoot session for the boutique website for Mija's FYP
11 things down, 1 more to go. Phew!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Iftar with EAAchievers
Iftar with successful people at Kelantan Delights, Subang
Bonded in one night
With my bosses
Meet Finaz :)
Meet Erin Adlina. She's too awesome!
Meet Dila
Meet Anis
Meet Ice
Late Iftar/Early Raya for us
Had fun with them, future-millionaire babies :)
Road trip to Perak
Suasana di UTP
2 days 1 night in Tronoh, Perak
Went to Kellie's Castle. It was a very sunny day.
Majlis berbuka puasa with UTP students
Berangan jadi student UTP
Teluk Batik, Lumut
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