Friday, September 6, 2013

Alhamdulillah. Thank you.


I want to take this opportunity, to give thanks to Allah, Alhamdulillah that He provides me with good life with beautiful, gorgeous people around me and also with great mind and brain and body. Thank you Allah for giving me a lot of positive energy for me to be in the crowd and manage to appreciate it even more. Most of all, thank you for giving me too many positive and good attitudes along the way that can make me spreading the joy of being positive to others.

I really, really appreciate my readers who have been loyal to this blog since ever. Back when I had the name of "Euphoria" for this blog until the new one; "Malinalism". If you are a loyal reader, then you can see the transformation, the improvement from the new blog to the 2.0 version of Malina Azman.

Well, I have received quite a number of feedback from readers, which I truly appreciate it. Despite of having a busy life of yours, you still have time to read my blog and got more time to even email or private message me on Facebook to say thanks to me! Thank you so much, endless of thanks to you all. Thank you for exploring and craving for more knowledge and vibes thru my blog. I am really glad that I can help people by bebel-ing on my blog. I honestly thought that it is just a small deal and nothing important in here, but I am really happy that I can help you in such amazing way! I am so flattered that they are too many of loyal readers in here, some of you might have been in here for 5 amazing years. This is truly beyond words that I can actually inspire people and I am looking forward to inspire for more! Thank you again, loves, and keep up in being positive. I will do my best to post more positive updates and spreading more good vibes to all of you. Keep yourself updated, yea?

Thank you. You are all too awesome, positive-minded people and future successful person!

Love you all,
Malina Azman x

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