Saturday, October 10, 2015
Traffics = Stress

It's half past four on Saturday evening and it is still pretty hazy outside (haven't you heard?), and I have finished doing my weekend chores. I have plenty of time to spend time with myself right now since I am currently taking my time off from work, just enjoying myself, figuring out what I am going to do next and planning on next best things and literally just enjoying my life.
It is not that I hate working, I love it very much and I really, really love my job and the workplace environment is just magnificent. Nothing's wrong with work, it's just that I came across with some thoughts and I don't really like that thoughts of mine.
One fine day (this was a few months back and it constantly hit me ever since), I was driving to work. I live in a big city, the heart of Kuala Lumpur, and I work(ed) in suburb area of Selangor; not to say my workplace is rural or bucolic, but it takes about half an hour or so for me to reach the office from home. So it hit me when the highway to get out from and to get into the city were stuck. Major highways (even the minors one!) were all immobile. Honks everywhere, small accidents happen at times, motorists ride their bikes like they own the road, public transports drivers (buses and cabs) drive like *oh Lord*, f-words, cursing words, the level of stress in the morning is this high and all because of "I need to get to the workplace in time so that I can do my job and then I will get paid at the end of the month."
How can a person stand to be at unhealthy state, to be so stressed out in the morning? I am sure that nobody wants to be stressful in the morning but why you choose to live your life like that? You have no choice since it stated there you have to clock in to the office before 9am?
This happens exactly the same when I drove back home from the office. Usually it will take up to 45 minutes (maximum) to reach either end but not during peak hours. I once experienced of having to drive approximately 3km/h and it took 2 hours and 45 minutes for me to reach home. Checked out at 5pm and I was able to meet my mom at home around 8 at night.
Yay. Yay, you hardworking worker.
That hit me so hard and I decided to, stay at home and blog about this. LOL! Kidding. I need to go to work too and everybody thinks that they do not have the choice to avoid themselves from being so stressful to start their awesome day but they have all powers to do so! How?
1) Be early. The earlier the better. While people are still snoozing at home, every road and highway or freeway (you name it!) are yours! You can drive at 10km/h if you desire to do so or even 250km/h but that only applies to A45 AMG. Or maybe you want to take your Aventador out for a spin, sure you can. Be my guest.
2) Get a cup of hot coffee. Or Starbucks. Or hot Caramel Macchiato, to be exact. Probably some tuna croissants or that cheese fingers. Yum. Eat it while you drive to work. Nothing can spoil your morning if you have something to eat in the car. Repeat after me: Food is my best friend. I love you, food. There.
3) Tune in to your favourite jam. I rarely listen to the radio since my car audio system for all cars constantly connected to my iPod so I have no problem listening to every single song that I love in the car. Alt-J, Daughter, The Weeknd, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Lykke Li, Lana Del Rey, Milky Chance are my absolute fav. Singing out loud in the car is actually good for you because you never really thought that you can reach your destination within five songs. LOL!
4) Carpool. Or have someone in the car with you. So that you won't ever get bored because you have someone to talk to and to laugh with unless that person loves to sleep once they got in the car. Everybody has that one friend, right? HAHAH!
5) Take public transports. What else do I need to explain? Let the cab or bus driver do the honour of getting himself/herself into the traffics and just swim around in the pool of perturbation. Lewlz.
6) If you don't think this will help you, then I suggest you to take a day off today. You can go out later in the afternoon, just drive around town (not during peak hours!) and just embrace the feeling of no stress and calm and give thanks to your heart and brain for enduring such tension all this while!
x, Malina Azman
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
It's Daddy's Day!
I have always been a Daddy’s girl because he is the first love of my life. He has dedicated every minute since I was born to being my protector, my friend, my guide, my toughest critic and my coach.
He helped me become the fiercely independent woman I am today because he needed to be sure I would be able to protect myself whenever he is not around to do so. He keeps me stay grounded and motivated, and he will always come through for me in the moments I need him. I know my dad will always, in some way, be in my corner. I know that I would have never gotten here without him. Regardless of years passing, my dad will always provide the best advice, be my best judge of character and be my best friend.
I know you're reading this, Daddy and I want to say this: Thank you for being you.
Thank you for believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you for always helping me to mend my broken heart and teaching me not to sweat the small stuff. Thank you for talking me down whenever I suffered a self-induced psychological breakdown over exams or some other stress. Thank you for always challenging me, even if I didn’t appreciate it at the time. Thank you for every text and email you’ve sent to check in on me. Thank you for bringing so much humour into my life, always making sacrifices for me, Sissy and Mommy and all the little things you do for us every day that often go unnoticed. Thank you for always reminding me I am a strong, capable and intelligent woman, and someone you are proud to call your daughter. Thank you for your patience and for loving me, relentlessly, even during the times I made it hard for you to do so.
Most of all, thank you for being my father in the way only you can. Please remember that no matter what, I will, in some way, always be your little girl. I love you, Daddy ❤️

Monday, June 15, 2015
Stay progressive
It has been exactly four months (yes, four) since the last I posted a blogpost here on Malinalism. I had a very very wonderful time for the past few months and still having a tremendous moment at this point of my life and hoping for more great stuff to happen in the future.
I am truly sorry for been missing for a long long time but for those who followed me on Instagram or friends with me on Facebook shouldn't have any trouble finding me updating things as well as acknowledged me being alive. LOL!
Life is pretty great now. I finally have a job, I have the best family and friends around me and the universe seem to agree with whatever that is in my mind. So basically my life is pretty good. I am looking forward for my bestfriend to be back in Malaysia for good, as well as for my Daddy (yay!) and I just need to brush up my skill to design websites and ads. Yup, that is my current job now. HTML, CSS, all Adobe softwares. Yikes. I might have the skill (I think) but I am stuck with my "non-creative" brain.
I need to create and add new ads every week (designs, wording, color codings etc.) to put in my company's website but thing is, I don't really have ideas. I will stare at my 13" MacBook and stare for another half an hour and half an hour more and all I did for one hour was, a yellow rectangle box. Yup. Just that.
I find it quite hard to think of new, fresh, never-done-before designs although I have Googled several (several? LOTS actually!) examples of any designs I could think of and I even searched for "ribbons" and "trees" on Google. I am not proud but I will do my best to be the best employee in town. LOL!
Well, overall, my job is awesome. To be able to manage events and join an awesome team to organize global events and that hustle feeling to submit things before due-dates and getting ready with materials for presentations and meetings with managers and VPs, oh boy, how I love corporate world. I'm not kidding, I really enjoy sitting in a cubicle (oh except for our office is so bloody cold and too bad we cannot control the temperature so it feels like we actually sitting in a cubicle that is located at the Northernmost part of the Earth). Everybody is wearing either blazers or knitted sweaters or windbreakers and I have this idea to bring and wear the faux-fur winter coat or something. It is that cold.
Though I will be busy with work from 9-to-5, but I will make sure that I will have time to do other things too, especially during weekdays. More time to work out, hang out with my friends, spend more time with my family, cook for dinner, more me-time because I want to have a productive day, every day.
We have one million things to do but we only have 24 hours in a day. So take the opportunity to do as many productive things as you can before you call it a day. Prioritize, progressive, productive. That is when you know you have done something in life. Whether it is good or bad, just embrace it. Seize it. The future depends on what you do on that day.
Malina A.
Friday, February 13, 2015
This is the first time ever, in the history of Malina’s life
as a blogger or “blog-writer” since 2006, I actually got nothing in my mind to
express things out. This is truly odd because usually I will always have
something to say or express or to blog about whenever I am in front of my
Pressing enter.
Space. Command A. Delete.
Write again.
Oh well, it could be the heat. This weather, this hot and
humid weather makes my brain to shrink somehow. Meh.
I am currently waiting for my other blog post to load, there
are tons of photos in there and due to the fabulously “fast” Mr Internet right
here at home, it would only takes up approximately about 4 days to load
everything. Sigh.
I hate my internet connection at home.
I need to be somewhere in Japan or South Korea or Doha(!) or
any other awesome places with great connection line! I live in KL, in the heart
of KL but nah, it feels like I live on a tree, in a tree house in some jungle
at the most remote place you could ever known.
So, the whining session will stop now, because it is too hot
to write negative stuff especially with this internet speed. What a nuisance.
My life has been pretty occupied recently and I got nothing
to do for the whole two freakin’ months! YAY! Why? Don’t ask me. I am unemployed.
I am not proud, honestly, but with my degree year, I think I deserve something
good, something that is worthwhile and cross that, I NEEEEEEED A VACATION! No,
scratch that. VACATIONSSSSSS. Infinite of S!
I got some cool places I want to visit and I call it my
“VACAYLIST” stored in my iPhone, with lots of new things to do like getting my
diving license soon, so I need to be in some paradise (islands) to get it done.
Stay there for like 5 days or so, and come back home with a diving cert and
suit as well as some, burned, tanned skin. The one with burned burn, all people
could see is just my teeth. Yup. I want that. I am that kind of girl. LOL! My
place for getting the diving license would be Pulau Perhentian in Terengganu,
Malaysia. Or maybe in Mabul Island, Sabah.
Other than, planning to go for hiking. My friend told me
that Machu Picchu in Peru is definitely the place to go for a hike. I want to.
Like seriously. But of course, keeping myself fit and ready is the essence.
Gunung Kinabalu in Sabah. Well, that is what I’m talking
about, baby! But, anybody would care to join me? Sad.
Next up, cliff diving and scuba diving! Cebu, Philippines
for the awesome place called Malapascua Island. The ocean is just, oh Lord.
Would love to get some sun kissed skin from the Philippines.
Also planning to visit my good friend in London. Just to
visit her, catching up and actually see London. Always wanted to jog in my
Internationalist in Hyde Park. That would probably be the best activity of all.
Jog in a park with your best buddy in your Nike. Uhhummm, guuurrlll. I know you
want that too!
Since I only have 2 months before I get back to reality, to face and deal with my
kickass life, I really need to hustle to plan and book flight tickets and plan
all things out and the money, of course! Alright, I’m pumped up now.
Chillax, go travel. See the world. Life is not based on
what’s appear in your 13” Macbook screen, dude.
Malina Azman, x
Trip to Doha ✈
Doha trip; last December till early January. I actually call it as "trip" because I had a very short 11-day vacation in Doha with my family, though it was more like "back to hometown". I paid a visit, just to spend time with my beloved family; studying abroad, being away from family isn't fun especially when you don't really have friends and all you need is your family. It's not that I do not have friends, I do, but most of them are studying or living abroad too, so, I don't have this face-to-face kind of friendship. All I have is "Hi-can-you-see-me-can-you-hear-me" friendship via Skype with my family and friends. Yes, Skype is actually my true, loyal friend. Thanks, S. LOL!
So, my trip to Doha.
All I can say is, fun. That was my 5th trip to Doha (I think. Or 6th? I'm not sure.) I visited during winter for most of the time and cold, chilly, windy season (December - February) is the perfect time to visit Middle-East countries.
I spent 11 days there and it would be a long post if I type it out one-by-one in great details, day-by-day. So let me just post up some photos (or you can also visit my Instagram), and let the pictures do the talking :)

Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) : 1000hrs

Hamad International Airport (HIA) : 2330hrs

Torch Tower, Doha

My outfit for the entire trip, it was so windy and cold!

Malina A, x
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