Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My very own sweet escape


Bittersweet escape

Allah's creation is beyond beautiful

Sky in Danga Bay

That fabric

Had a great one

Mixed signals and signs


Lights, loyal friend when I'm in the dark

Heavy traffics under my feet

TGI Friday in Celebration of 50th Stores

TGI Friday’s is offering 50% Off of all food item in celebration of 50th store opening. Across all Chaswood Group Brands after 9 years of serving you the best that the culinary world has to offer, we’re giving everyone a treat.

Promotion Period : 21 November 2012
Venue : Chaswood Group Brands outlets as listed below. click the ‘outlet listing’ for complete store address.
  • The Apartment
  • Republic
  • TGI Fridays
  • Italiannies
  • Malones
  • Bulgogi Brothers
  • Laundry
  • Baci
  • Watami
  • Bedroom
All Teh Tarik Place outlets in Malaysia WILL NOT be participating in the 50% Discount for the 50th Store Celebration on 21st November 2012.

Yes, we went to TGI Friday's for this expanding-our-waistlines "event" that night :D

Malina Azman x

TGI Friday's

Beef Nachos

Friday's Three-for-All (Potato skin, boneless chicken, fried Mozzarella)

Friday's Cheeseburger

Grilled Lamb 

Beef Ribs

Grilled Caribbean Wings

TGI Friday's in Alamanda, Putrajaya

Rating: ★★★★★

Malina Azman x

Breeks Cafe

Brief introduction about the cafe

Some, just some of it

The art and decor

Beef Lasagne

Mushroom Pasta

Garlic Mashed Potato

Char-Grilled Prawns. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Ribeye Steak

Cafe Americano

I had dinner in JB last week. Its been years since last I came here. I think it was my first time in this mall, JB City Square. Right in the middle of JB city. Just opposite the Johor Bahru's Sentral. Went to Breeks Cafe for dinner. Awesome food. They serve steaks, pastas, desserts, various choices of drinks, from juices to cafes to milkshakes. The menu, decors are all great. The restaurant is clean and cozy. Waiters and waitress are all nice. No attitude problems like some of restaurants I went to, back in KL. They were so polite and the service is nice.

It is located at:
106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook
Level 3, J3-35
City Square, Johor Bahru

Tel: 07-2072036

Rating: ★★★★☆

Malina Azman x

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A date with The Twinnie

Meet the beautiful twinnie, Iera Aqila

Ignore the face, acknowledge the meal.

We went to Ikea and we've found the most comfortable couch evaahhh!

She is love

And she bought me this! All the way from New Zealand! Thank you honey!

Hola! Buenas tardes! Como estas? Mi nombre es Malina Azman. Y tu? Sorry, random. So I went for a date with my twinnie on Friday. We had a date, at The Curve and Ikea. Basically, area Mutiara Damansara tu je lah. Its been months since the last time we met. It was way back before she went to New Zealand for almost a month and haven't seen her since then. It was Ramadhan, yes! Buka puasa at her place. That was the last time I saw her and yes, we reunited, just last Friday! You missed it :B

Nothing much pun. Our agenda was just to have lunch/eve-snack/desserts at Paddington and update each other! Oh when I said "update", it means from A to Z baby! We had our lunch, borak sampai tak ingat dunia (so many things happened since the last time we met! That's why!) and then, saja nak berangan ada rumah sendiri so we went to Ikea. Browsing for furniture and interior designs' ideas for my new place. And dang, I really hate those awesome Ikea's interior designers! They are just too good in rearranging stuff in a room! They know how to play with space and the practicality of a furniture to put in a room. The room was so tiny but still spacious. How's that, dude?! You all are just too good. Phew. And I have this thought of, "OHMYGOD! Tak sabarnya nak kahwin and ada rumah sendiri!". Wait, is it just me or every human being yang entered Ikea akan feel the same way like I did? Or this this, "Nanti kan, kalau I dah kahwin kan, husband I tengok TV and I pula sibuk masak kat dapur, bla bla bla..." Is it normal to have that feeling when you're in Ikea? Normal kan? Kan kan? LOL! But bila fikir balik, I was like, "Wait, I can always have my own house eventhough I'm not married!". And then bertukar pula dengan lebih detailed, "OH-EM-GEE! Tak sabarnya nak habis belajar, kerja and jadi wanita bekerjaya and ada duit sendiri and beli rumah sendiri! Semua furniture nak from Ikea!". Hamboihhh, kemain kau jahhh. Semua from Ikea yea? Haa, belajar rajin-rajin. Dapatkan masters dulu and kerja, baru fikir nak ada rumah sendiri :D

After penat berangan nak rumah sendiri and payah bebenor nak mengawal perasaan membuak-buak nak kahwin, Iera and I went back to The Curve and had Chatime. Chit chatting lagi and soalan cepumas from Iera was, "Babe, what type of guys yang you nak?". Hamboihhh, kena interview. And another epic line for that day, "Twinnie, please kahwin. Kalau you tak kahwin, nanti anak I tade playmate! I nak anak I to have a playdate with anak you!". Hamboihhh, nampak tak agenda dia disitu? Awak tu bercinta, boleh lahhh. Den ni calon pun takdo ehh. Lewlz!

And Iera gave me a souvenir from New Zealand! Yeayerz! Thank you awak yang baik hati. I miss you and finally ketemu pun after months! Phew. I love you twinnie and doakan yang terbaik untuk saya yang tak berapa nak semenggah ni :) LOVE x

Malina Azman x

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lelah dengan fitnah

Penat sangat bila kita bercakap atau mengeluarkan sesuatu perkataan, lahir daripada hati dan keluar melalui mulut kita, orang lain akan pertikaikan dan persoalkan dan yang paling teruk, apabila orang lain memutar-belitkan cerita sehingga kita berasa bersalah. Sedangkan apa yang terkelumat didalam hati yang lahir ke mulut, segala kata-kata itu adalah tidak apa yang seperti diperkatakan orang lain. Salah faham berlaku, timbullah fitnah sesama manusia. Hati kata lain, mulut hanya jadi penyampai. Tetapi pemikiran cetek antara manusia yang membuatkan sesuatu perkara itu menjadi sebuah fitnah yang cukup dahsyat. Hentikanlah. Jangan menyampuk dan jangan menyibuk jika anda tidak tahu-menahu disebalik mulut yang berkata, disebalik hati yang mana mungkin orang lain akan tahu dan juga, disebalik perkataan yang diperkatakan. Anda bukan ditempat orang itu. Namun, silap si mulut juga untuk berkata-kata tanpa memberi sebarang faedah. Silap si hati juga kerana terdetik untuk mengeluarkan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi sebuah fitnah. Akan tetapi, silap si pendengar juga kerana mempunyai hati yang tidak bersih sehingga mahu menimbulkan sebarang syak wasangka walhal perkara itu tidak sedikit pun memberi impak kepada masyarakat setempat. Jadi bisu buat sementara untuk elak daripada berlakunya fitnah. Jadi pekak untuk tidak membuat sebarang fitnah. Jadi buta, supaya tidak terlalu melihat keburukan orang lain. Jadi bebal, untuk tidak terlalu pandai untuk menghakimi orang lain. Jangan jadi apa-apa yang membolehkan manusia merasakan kehadiran anda adalah sangat tidak diundang. Penat untuk berkata-kata lagi, letih untuk memikirkan apa-apa lagi. Haus, otak haus kerana tidak mempunyai apa-apa isi kandungan lagi. Bersawang. Kering. Hanya kerana manusia, mulut dan hati kotornya. Hanya kerana sebuah fitnah dan salah faham, maka terputuslah persahabatan yang pernah akrab.

Malina A

Friday, November 16, 2012

Paddington House of Pancakes

1st Floor, The Curve, Mutiara Damansara

The menu


Mexican Grilled Burger

Big Treasure Box

Rating: ★★★★☆

Malina Azman x