Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012 :')

Goodbye 2012. Til we meet again in my dreams. Hello, 2013. Please be good. More resolutions, more perspectives, new experience, create new history, more people, more love, and perhaps, the new and better version of Malina Azman? In Shaa Allah :)

2012 Highlights


I got my first lomo camera; I called it, "Whitey' because it is white in colour? *bimbo much* This is fish-eye lomo camera, bought it at Sunway Pyramid and so into lomography! (time ni je lah kot, now dah slow sikit sebab busy with studies :B)

I did a lot of traveling around Malaysia on January and for the rest of the year 2012. Road trips, mostly. Went to Langkawi, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Kuantan. Takat Melaka and PD, tak payah mention lah eh? Lewlz! With relatives and friends. Alhamdulillah, seronok dapat jalan-jalan. New places, new people and new food. Of course, photo collections pun bertambah, as well as my life experience :)

Attended ourselves as the Seow family to cousin Ian's wedding at Holiday Villa Hotel & Suite, Subang SS12. Awesome wedding reception. Congratulations on your wedding, Ian & Jackie. May you guys together forever and hoping for many many great years ahead and many many children in the future! (Like Lemuel and Melanie :P) :D Awesome food as well. Kudos! Its good to have all my family gathered in one night. Finally got the chance to meet all of them other than Chinese New Year and Raya.


Got addicted with lomography, decided to have a photo-board in my room. But wasn't for long, I put them down and stick those beautiful pictures in my photo-book instead :)

Created myself a Tumblr account. Do visit them at :D

Decided to bake macaroons with my bestfriend Nissa. Instead of getting this round-shaped, very fine-looking macaroon, we got like this (view the photo below) FAILED! Hahaha! :D

Nissa, we are too awesome in cooking, but definitely not baking. We cannot bake! LOL!

With relatives in Langkawi :)


Road trip to Kelantan with Mommy, sissy, Mak Ngah, Ila, Aliah and Ijah. Rombongan cik kiah lah senang cerita :D


Road trip to Terengganu

More road trips


Opened a booth at Publika for Mother's Day event! It was an honour, Alhamdulillah. "Rendez-Vous" was the name for my booth for the whole day. I sold pre-loved and new items from clothings to shoes, shawls, accesories and perfumes as well! Alhamdulillah, managed to handle it well. Thank you to Mommy & Daddy for always being so supportive. Thank you for being the awesome parents ever and to be my backbone (literally). Cannot do it without you and your blessings and your help :) And big thank you to my sister, Marissa, for jaga the booth with me. Thanks for being the sengalest sister! :D Had fun though it was my first time, opened such booth in a such huge event like that. Thank you, Aainaa for letting me in into this business world and big thanks to our Mamasan, Ms Michelle for this awesome opportunity :)

May, it was my short semester and I took Theater for my co-curriculum subject. Had wonderful time with these awesome people; Ammar, Faris, Liyl, Yudy, Aishah and Samad. They are all tremendously awesome! We did this theater, called "My Mother's Diary". Great people, so the outcome mesti lah great juga kan? So yeah, we all managed to get an A for this subject. The best semester we've ever had! We went to Melaka to see our lecturer; Mr Kush to perform a theater-play at MMU Melaka. And we went for a movie after that. Was watching "The Avengers" 3D. Ahh, fun times. Love you all!

Went to i-City in Shah Alam with Mommy, Daddy and Sissy (Y)

Spent 6 days in Bandung, Indonesia. Beautiful place, scrumptious food, shopper's heaven, and the people were warm and loving people :)


DEMAM EURO! And me, of course lah support Deustchland! Whee!

BEBB's house-warming. Me and 5 other girls moved in to this apartment in Cyberjaya for the new semester and we did this house warming thing and invited our close friends. Macam-macam masak. Semua nak jadi chef! LOL!


Had my birthday dinner at The Bee, Publika with my friends. Great food and great moment. Thank you all! I just want to thank to every single person for all loves that you guys gave and still giving me right until this moment. I appreciate every single thing that you guys ever did to me, all those wishes and blessings, thank you so much. Alhamdulillah, huge appreciation to Mommy & Daddy for letting me to be here in this world. I'm glad that you both are my parents, the most awesome one, I must say :) Thank you for everything, thank you for guiding me and with all loves. Ahh, I am glad to be your daughter. And thank you friends, homies, relatives, lovers, babies, darlings, honeys and awesome people around me. Without all of you, I'm just a plain and boring girl-next-door. And I am so thankful to Allah for giving me chance to improve myself. Alhamdulillah. There's no turning back. Keep moving forward! Yeah! Thank you. Been living my awesome life for 22 years now, looking forward for 100 years more! :) Thanks for all wishes, only now I baru habis replied all. Too much of them! Thank you! 


Finally, my own blog-shop! My first launch was in August and by September semua baju and barang sudah habis dijual. Alhamdulillah. Haven't updated anything new yet since I am not planning to take a new batch anymore since I intended to sell off my remaining stocks from the Mother's Day event at Publika, on May. Sorry! Thank you to M.A's pre-loved buyers. I love you! :) X


Raya open house at Mija's

Spent 2 nights at Sunway Hotel & Resort Spa

Malam Sekalung Budi 2012. Celebrating Mommy's achievement (Y)


Wuwey, Mija and I, bertugas pada cuti semester yang lepas. Jadi penjual bunga for MMU Convocation Day (Y)

Awesome job, girls! (Y)

Celebrating Mija's birthday at Page 2, Publika with BEBBs and Nabs & Marz.

"Petang-ke-malam" date with this pretty laydayhh, Ms Nelly D. FINALLY!

Theo & Shelly in our apartment. But things happened, we need to send them away to SPCA. It was hard, I admit, but things must be done. It is better not to have cats in our home. For cleanliness and due to allergies that we have (Or I have, at least, Lewlz!) Missed you already :')


Fiza & Azli's wedding (Y)

Tribute Theater Tun Dr Siti Hasmah at Istana Budaya. Awesomeeeeee!

Watched it with mi loves; Nissa Jamal, Ayesha Syahira and Ridhwan Mat Salleh :)


CBNers huge reunion at Rinee's wedding. Been missing them loads! Finally!

Rinee & Wandy's wedding. Congratulations babe! Semoga berkekalan hingga ke Jannah. Amin.

Big Bad Wolf Book Sale! Gaaaahhhhhhh!

These quick updates of my 2012 highlights doesn't include my problems and those hard times that I've been through for the entire year. Only happy times je yang I update. LOL! Told you, no drama-drama eh kat sini :D And now, I am facing loads of quizzes, exams, tests and submissions. Busy being a student. Phew.

What an awesome year. 2012, you'll be missed :)

Malina Azman, XOXO

Monday, December 24, 2012


Got an email from one of my readers. She asks,

"What is your favourite food? And what kind of food you don't like? Any specific food?"

I don't really have a specific food that I love. I don't have any favourite food in particular. I think? I just love good food, the one that can make my taste buds goes 'ooh-la-laaaaa'. But if you insist, I think, I would say, Char Kuey Teow? With loads of kerang! But no fair, I love other food too! I don't like to be biased! Kesian makanan lain, merajuk with me! Lewlz. And yes, I do have 3 food that I dislike. First, satay. Don't ask why, but I don't like it. Maybe the taste? It's like eating charcoal (weird eh?). Second, I don't like anything tawar. Any food yang tawar, memang I tak puas hati! Tak puas langsung! It is like having your meal while you selsema. Kan hidung tersumbat, tak dapat rasa apa-apa kan? Sangat tak puas! Hahah! It's either too spicy, too sweet, too sour, too salty or anything extreme. No tawar-tawar please. Huhu. Thirdly, I don't like, hmm... Ciku? I don't know what's Ciku in English. Sapodilla? It tastes, weird? -.-"

I hope semua soalan terjawab yea? Terima kasih :)

A girl with a small tummy and a huge appetite.

My name is Malina. What's good about life? My answer is, food. What's great about life? A very good food. I love to eat. I have a small body. Small tummy. But no one can stop me from eating good food and having scrumptious meals. I got my own taste, my own judgments of food. I'm not expert in food. I just love it. I love to try new stuff. I like to open my mind and my heart to any possibilities for eating any halal food, anywhere in the world. I have weird tastes, that everyone seems like to question about it. But I don't care. I use my own money, and I didn't force anyone to eat things that I eat. I can't grow any fatter, no matter how much I ate in a day because I have a very high metabolism. My doctor told me that everything that goes inside me, will eventually came out at the end of the day. Too much info aye? Lewlz. So yeah. I love to eat. Therefore, I love to cook. Yes, I do cook my own meals in my own kitchen. I can cook, but I cannot bake. I am really suck at baking. I don't like to play around with flour and baking powder and whatever is needed to bake something. I love seafood. I love veggies. I love to play around with the ingredients. If it's not good, then don't do it again in the future. If it's great, then, you can have your own cook book. LOL! I love to eat and I love to write about it. I want to share with you guys. Now, no more of this kind of conversation:

Person 1: Eh, where to eat ah? What to eat eh?
Person 2: I don't know. Anywhere also can lah. I don't mind.
Person 3: Hoi, decide faster lah!

People, NO MORE. I am just sick and tired of that "first-world problem" conversation. After this, if people ask you, "Where to eat?", you can tell them this, "Wait, I'll check at Malinalism first ah." *Promote blog sendiri* (Eeeee, tak maluuuuu! LOL!) No seriously, no more such questions. Kabish? Good tummy :)

Malina Azman, x


I can't recall all names but you might want to grab something for a quick brunch or having it while doing your assignment on the evening? I went here, in Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya, couple of times already. Was busy studying for my exams, with my laptop and lecture notes and studied here in the cafe while having my scrumptious sandwiches. I got no time to have a proper meal since I became such a busy student lately, with exams and quizzes and submissions. So decided to have brunch and evening snack with my friends (different day) here at O'Briens. And the second time I went here, I had "Tea-for-Two" with my housemate. I paid only RM18 and I got a huge plate of sandwiches, tea for two person and a slice of cheesecake! It was so darn deliciouuuussssss! The best cheesecake I've ever tasted in my whole life! Tak percaya, tanya Juey :D If I went missing ke apa, you should search for me here at O'Briens. Happily eating my sandwiches with a cup of tea or maybe fruit juices with a slice or two of cheesecake(s) :P

P/s: Sorry, I can't remember the name. You should try it, just order anything! Tripledecker and the salmon thingy, simply the bomb! (Y) Happy tummy, everyone!

Malina Azman, x


Located at Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya

The menu

While waiting for others

Black & orange for the main colour

Cozy seats

What's good?

Nasi Lemak! Chicken Rendang

Fish & Chips


Cucur Udang

Happy tummy, happy us!

CHUP! is located at Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya. Ground floor, just opposite the Starbucks. They serve the best food in town, from western to Asian food as well as the Italian pasta. Tapas or we can call it as "appetizer" or tid-bits or snacks. 'Tapas' is actually a Spanish word, so it is considered as Spanish cuisine, but instead, CHUP! here choose to put Malay cuisine for it. To be as the tapas. And we chose Cucur Udang. It is a bit oily but it was okay since they put such huge prawns inside it. All good. I ate Nasi Lemak Chicken Rendang and gosh how I love the rendang! Scrumptious! The person in-charged for our table that night, was very helpful, in terms of recommending us on what to eat and what's good and all. Very polite and very efficient? (Sorry, I didn't get your name that night!). The restaurant is very clean, squeaky clean. No unpleasant smell or anything. The table is clean, everything is in order. I recommend you to have your dinner here (lunch pun boleh) but it is advisable to go at night, you can see the lighting and all (if you are just as freak as I am, who's apparently 'menitik-beratkan' lighting for everything. Lewlz.)

Rating: ★★★★☆

Malina Azman, x

Tappers Caffe - on the block

Welcome to Tappers! Located at Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya

All white

The menu

Spaghetti Olio Mushroom

Tappers Hainanese Chicken Chop

Pancakes with ice-cream. Highly-recommended!

I have always wanted to eat at this restaurant called, Tappers. It is located at the Shaftsbury Square. Cyberjaya is small, I am pretty sure you can find it easily. The place is full of restaurants and cafes and  so many other shops. My friend and I were driving and browsing restaurants to eat. It was then that we noticed a restaurant called Tappers. I had noticed the restaurant couple of times before but never got the chance to give a try. So we decided to have our lunch there. My first impression towards this cafe, was, "Wow, it is all so whitey!" I love the decor. Tappers' interior decorations are very pretty. All white - from floor to tables, picture frames, the counter-top, as well as the wall. Tappers serves the best pasta, salads, western and oriental food and various choice of desserts.

Other outlets: Jaya One, Capsquare, Bangsar South, Setiawalk, Setia Alam, Setapak, Cyberjaya. One City & Oasis Square (Opening soon)

Rating: ★★★☆☆

To review more, click this link - Tappers

Malina Azman, x