Believe it or not, I am currently stuck with this so called "phenomenal" TV series on Astro Mustika HD; Adam & Hawa. Well, I don't have Astro Mustika pun at home, I watch it pun thru my laptop, took it from my cousin, she downloaded it from somewhere, I don't know. So yeah, I am watching it, but tade lah sampai terliur, ternangis, tersentak or anything lah yang sama dengannya. All mackhiks and anak daras and surirumahs for sure layan cerita ni since ada hero Malaya pujaan semua gadis, tak lain dan tak bukan; AA (Lewlz). Well, I am not promoting anything, this TV series ke apa, just want to share with you guys this song. It is one of the song in Adam & Hawa's OST. As I watched it, terdengar pula lagu "Ratu Di Hatiku" by TRIAD in the background. Terus Google and successfully saved in both my gadgets! Yay! So, do enjoy it. I just love this song. So much! :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Meet Shelly & Theo
We have cats at home now. Kittens, to be exact. I used to be afraid of cats, but not anymore dah kot? Well trying to fit in with cats since there are 2 cats now at home in this apartment, really hope that I can communicate and interact with them more often and I want to be bonded with them. Hahah! I am not an animal lover and definitely not a cat person, but why not right? Overcome my fear and just, play with them. They are just so cute! Like this ball of fur and I feel like squishing them of maybe slap them in the face or something. LOL! Shelly and Theo makes me happy because I can bully them everyday! Muahahahahah! :D
How was my weekend?
Meeting my good friend since 2008; Wiwin :)
Attending FAB Halloween event, Publika
Change your appetite
This only can be applied to wise people. Childish and immature people, do not attempt this if you cannot differentiate between the good and the bad in life. Get it? HAPPY TRYING TO TASTE AND GOOD LUCK IN HAVING NEW *FOOD IN YOUR LIFE, EVERYDAY! :D
*Ehem, halal ones je okay? Halal and sedap! (Y)
Desserts at Page 2

It is a surprise and task for you. Go to Publika, level G3, belah hujung sana kat area Chawan semua tu, located kat atas Plan b. Yes, Page 2. And you all makan dulu kat tempat lain then datang Page 2, order and eat these desserts! Okay? Seriously, you guys won't regret it! *wink*
The Social, Publika

The lists of scrumptious food

Beef Nachos

All time fav, Chamomile Tea

Chicken Diane

If you love to eat and love to hang out with your long lost friends, this is the place. Updating each other while having awesome food for your tummy and delicious drinks for your taste buds, what else can you ask for huh? I just love the environment, so cozy and by the name itself, "The Social", just get socialized, would ya? :D
Rating: ★★★★☆
Malina Azman, x
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Salam Eid Adha
Assalamualaikum kepada awak-awak semua! Saya, Malina Azman, pelaku penulis blog ini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua umat Islam tidak kira di Malaysia mahupun di seluruh dunia. (Okay, cliche.) Abaikan muka diatas. My eyes were swelling up due to, hmm, things happened in the morning. I woke up to 7 different texts, asked me and my sis to join them for raya. Invited us over to their homes, to, beraya lah kan. Usually Daddy yang managed everything, but now I am the one yang in-charged in this house. Need to plan mana nak pergi dulu and all. To sum up everything for this year's eid, we went to visit relatives on Daddy's side first, jumpa atuk and nenek. Makan nasi and lemang and rendang entah berapa pinggan. Then sebelah malam pula, visit relatives on Mommy's side. Tidur semalam at my aunt's, had breakfast and lunch kat sana and off we go balik KL. Thank goodness jalan tak jam. Saya anak sejati Kuala Lumpur, jadi dah tahu bila time jam and tak jam. If you all balik KL from kampung hari ni, surely jam! And masa Thursday night tu, yes, you all dah buat huge mistake by berani bergerak one day before holiday. Bersabarlah. Tak lari pun kampung tu. Ngee. It feels different now, tak beraya with Mommy and Daddy. Selalunya meriah je, Mommy mesti buat rendang and agihkan and gave to all relatives but not this year. I was so busy and tak terbuat pun rendang tu. Sighs. Nvm, whatever it is, I am so glad that I got the chance to beraya with my relatives and it was so meriah! Alhamdulillah semua sihat and happy. Itu yang penting :)
Once upon a time, we finally met at Curve
Our expressions right after we watched Sinister. Almost shat our pants!
During dinner with this pretty laydaayyy
I miss you babe!
Meet Nelly Danker. She's a good friend of mine. Well, we got things in common you see. Like, 'sama-sama skinny' and 'sama-sama anak terbiar'. LOL! Used to have this title of CK models from our friend. Well, CK stands for "Cili Kering" sebenarnya. Hahah! It is because of our skinny figure agaknya. And yes, we finally met at The Curve, Mutiara Damansara on last Thursday. I was busy in campus, doing subject registration thingy and all, had brunch with my friend then off to Damansara to see this girl. The last time we went out together was, early this year I think? Or maybe late last year? I'm not sure but yes, it's been too long and at last, we're back! She used to be my everyday, like literally, every single day. She stayed at my place and I stayed at hers for the whole year of 2011. Awesome friend, she is :) We had late eve snack at Teh Tarik Place, we used to hang out here at Curve. The sweetest part but wasn't a good one is that, she skipped her class to hang out with me! It was raining heavily and traffic jams were everywhere since people semua busy balik kampung for Eid Adha, so yeah. Decided to watch 'Sinister' after gossiping. Then, we had our dinner at Sakae Sushi, more stories to update each other. And bought some stuff and headed home. I had fun with her for the whole 7 hours but seriously tak puas! Lewlz. Next time please! :) Love you babe x
Mija's birthday celebration
Publika, I love your arts.
With birthday girl :)
Mira, Aishah, me, Mija, Wuwey

Candid sikit :B

Mija, Wuwey, me, Nabeel

Mija, Wuwey, me, Marz, Nabeel

Pro :D

Mak Enon duduk bergossip kat tepi

I love you girls! *love*

Fashion show, red carpet?

Nabeel and the birthday girl :)

Bila budak IT bersatu = 3 beruk
BEBB, we go.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Page 2 by Plan b

Page 2 by Plan b, Publika Solaris Dutamas.
It is located above the Journal by Plan b. Yes, upstairs :)

Love the retro stage

The bar

Our table for the night

Soft-Shell Crab Carbonara

Spaghetti Beef Bolognese

Spaghetti Carbonara

Aglio Olio

Pasta feast

Awesome facility huh?

Old school film on white screen

Honestly it was my first time at Page 2. Usually I've always hang out at Journal by Plan b, downstairs. I just acknowledged that Page 2 was born on the Merdeka day this year! Yes, the launch party was held on the Merdeka eve and I heard the name since then but never jejakkan kaki lagi. So, there were 7 of us, been wanting to try new places in the block so I suggested to them, this awesome place. We already sat down and had this huge wooden-table at Journal by Plan b and we thought that, the table was too huge for us and we were like so far apart and one of my babies suggested to go upstairs. As we were crawling up the swirl-stairs, we never expect that upstairs was so much cooler than the below one! Lewlz! Page 2 by Plan b offers the coziness and chillness to the atmosphere to make the customer feels like home and no need with proper attires! You can come with your shorts and pj's if you want to because you're there to hang out and have fun! Other than the awesome retro stage and environment and cool facilities (like, pool table over here), you will be absolutely satisfied with the food and drinks! From pastas to munchies to desserts, burgers, sandwiches and even nachos! And the drinks, they have everything. Seriously. Just call up the waiter and ask anything. They will bring it to you. (I'm not sure about Teh Tarik, though. LOL!) With good 'ol movie projected to the white screen, you can watch movie while having your meal and you can also catching up with your friends with playing pool, maybe? Why not right? It is better for me to stop mumbling and force you to at least, have a look and check out this place. I'm sure you're gonna fall for this place immediately! Love at first sight, baby *wink*
Rating: ★★★★☆
Malina Azman, x
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