Hi, I am one of the committee members :)

Our awesome leader; Dee on my right and Mija on my left

Sher Nee, Dee, me, Mija

Chica De Mayo (LOL!), Dee, me, Mija

Meet Diana Adil. Congratulations on your graduation baby!

I look so tiny in this picture but I'm actually taller than her :B


Proud to be a 4-day florist
Honestly, Day 1 was just exhausting! We were never worked that hard and woke up at 5am and worked our ass out until 3pm plus then came back at night around 10pm plus to prepare the booth for the next day with fresh flowers and wrapping and everything. It was just superbly tiring! We were all sleeping whenever we had a free time. Never got the chance to eat well or drink water! Seriously. I was in-shocked that I never expect that being a florist was that tough. It's like living as a military or so. Lewlz. I was looking forward for this Convo Fest event in MMU since Mija and Wuwey insisted for me to join this event. I agreed and I was excited. First meeting, our leader, Dee asked us to go mobile, which it never worked out. Then, collected bright orange-like-A&W's sponsored shirt with a tag. We worked at night to prepare for the next day and had sponsored-lunch and dinner. I didn't even go to the ATM all week and didn't spend a single penny during that convo fest.
We have 2 booths. One is at the main station near the hall, which bigger than the other one at the faculty. Of course lah I jaga the main one kan :B And my daily routine for the whole 4 days, it goes like this, EVERYDAY ---> Woke up at 5am, get ready by 6pm, reached booth and rearranged flowers, update for the new price and new flowers, started working as early as 7am, people came at 7.30am, dealing with customers and repeatedly said the same thing (price, flowers, extra RM10 for teddies and chocolates and bouquets and customize etc.) until 3pm. Collect lunch and coupons around 11am, makan then sambung kerja. People's gone by 3pm, started to clean the booth until around 4pm-ish. Home at BEBB, makan, terus tidur. Woke up at 8pm-ish, shower and off to booth in MMU at 10pm, new flowers datang, angkat, bawa to booth, rearrange those flowers, wrapping for bouquets, wrap-up at about 1 or 2am. Home then sleep. Then, woke up at 5am. Goes on and on for the whole 4 days. Awesome, I tell you.
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