Friday, August 31, 2012

Merdeka Spree :B

Stuff that I have bought today. Now, calculate today's expenses Malina!

Gucci Aviator shades      : N/A
Mani & pedi                         : RM 68
Starbucks                             : RM 36.50
InTrend magazine            : RM   7.50
Stationaries                         : RM 22.70

TOTAL                                  : RM 134.70

Malina Azman, x

Kakak Ku Kata Kuku Kaki Ku Kaku

Tak tak, tajuk tiada kena mengena langsung dengan entry ni. Itu namanya, gimmick. LOL! I was supposed to do my Computer Programming's assignment actually, but then Mommy woke me up at 10am and said, "Can you send me over to KLFC mall for my facial/spa treatment?". And I slept quite late last night, "Tak larat" was my reason but when I think back, I think I should go out and get my nails done. Been procrastinated about this whole mani & pedi thing since July so I thought, why not. Dah alang-alang hantar Mommy, and nak tunggu for the whole 2 hours, its better for me to pamper myself with my own money. Lewlz. So we went to KLFC Mall in Danau Kota, Setapak, Mommy off for her spa thingy and me? Ehem.

"Hello, welcomeeeeee." That was the first thing I heard when I stepped into one of the nail spa in that new mall. Quite new lah, last year baru buka. I saw deretan OPI's nail polishes from outside and that attracts me. The nail spa is so clean and cozy and nice and cool songs on background. There was a banner, promotion for manicure, pedicure and waxing. Yes, they have waxing service. Ngee. I went in, asked for manicure and pedicure, cut, French and colour. My manicurist, Ms Irene showed me the way and the manicure process, begins. And sorry, no pictures for the whole nail mani pedi process since I left my BlackBerry at home. I don't know why but my BlackBerry is not an essential stuff for me nowadays. LOL!

If you have ever wondered how to do a manicure or pedicure, THIS following site should be helpful. It is a list of steps that professional manicurists take when giving people manicures. And yes, I had those steps at the nail spa! Thanks to Ms Irene for the hospitality and friendly service :)

I got the chance to choose the colour that I want and believe it or not, they have more than 50 colours! All from OPI. I loveeeeeeeeeeed it! And rambang mata juga nak pilih mana satu. I chose the best 5 and Irene tried all colours on me. You know, its easier to see it better when the colour is on your nail. So yeah, she applied it to me and I chose the pretty one and suitable for my skin colour. I chose the earth tone, very natural and nude colour. I don't want the striking or "meriah" one since I'm wearing hijab, so macam tak elok lah kalau colour yang menyerlah sangat. Tarik perhatian orang je, I dah dapat dosa satu. It's true maa. So, dah my taste nak macam tu, nok buak gano key? :B

I chose very earth-sand-natural colour for both of my hands and 'zombie-effect' colour for my toes. Ngee. I love it! Mommy's done with her treatment, I showed it to her and she was;

Mommy: This colour?
Me: Why? Tak cantik ke? I love it Mommy!
Mommy: Why colour ni? Tak nampak. Why tak ambil pink? Very soft pink tu.
Me: Maa, kalau boleh, I want the zombie-effect for my hands too tapi dah habis! Sempat buat kaki je for that colour.
Mommy: Apa laaa, buat mahal-mahal tapi colour tu je?
Me: Zzz -.-"

And which nail spa I went to? Here are the details:


42, 1st Flr, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, 59100 KL (03-22876298)

l1-05, Level 1, SSTwo Mall, No 40, Jalan SS2/72, 43600 Petaling Jaya, Selangor (03-79565118)
S55 & 56, 2nd Flr, KL Festival City Shopping Centre, Setapak (04-41318900)



55th Independence Day

Selamat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke-55! Hari Kemerdekaan is not the same as Malaysia's birthday, you know. I mean, not supposed to be the same since Malaysia was formed in September 16, 1963. So technically, Malaysia's birthday is in 2 weeks more and it's the 49th birthday. But as I said earlier, Independence Day is NOT the same as "The" birthday. Get it right, people! Jangan nak confident wish "Happy 55th birthday, Malaysia!". Sejarah anda, D ke masa SPM? -.-"

Well well, Assalamualaikum! Kenapa I letak gambar candle sedangkan I bebel pasal merdeka? Now, I owe you a story. As I was busy reading my Sparks' Safe Haven novel on the couch in my living room and Mommy was busy watching TV, and everyone in Malaysia sibuk nak celebrate for Malaysia's Hari Merdeka, or on Twitter's trending of #Merdeka55. I was so tired since I drove back all the way from Cyberjaya and singgah Taman Melati to buy makanan and lalu MRR2. Ya Allah, jalan punyalah jam. Been stucked in MRR2 since 5.30pm til 7pm. All the way from Melati to Ampang. Phew. So Mr Sparks' was with me all night to keep me company and to rejuvenate myself.

Thirsty, so I went to the kitchen to sip a glass of rootbeer, masa nak tuang tu, 12 midnight, SHARP, *POOF*! Lights were off. And dengan tangan kanan tengah pegang botol rootbeer untuk tuang air and tangan kiri tengah pegang glass, I was like, "Mommyyyyy....? I cannot see anythinggggg...???". And masa tu baru lah semua jiran were like, "Ahhhhhhhhhh." (Ahhhh as in that frustrated tone, not the excited one -.-) So yeah, I menyambut kemerdekaan dalam kegelapan. Merdeka much huh? Zzz.

I tweeted about it, and turns out that seluruh my neighbourhood blacked out. So as I was lighting up 9 candles around my house, I heard those fireworks cracking up in the city. That 10-minute of bunyi fireworks yang samar-samar and I can only hear the sound of crickets and that annoying mosquitoes! Well, that was not even an unfamiliar event since I've always had this "candle-thing-around-my-house" every Earth Hour. So I'm used to it already. Its just that, that's how I celebrate Independence Day. Awesome aye? :D

That's all and pesanan khidmat masyarakat oleh saya, selaku pengurus blog ini (Mengadeww leww iteww niewww :P), ingin mengucapkan, SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI KEMERDEKAAN MALAYSIA YANG KE-55. Semoga seluruh rakyat Malaysia faham dengan erti kemerdekaan with that spirit of patriotism and jangan jadi rakyat yang hanya merdeka pada nama negara bukan pada diri sendiri. Merdeka dengan ilmu di dada and merdeka dengan jati diri. I love you Malaysia and yes, I am proud to be Malaysian :)

Malina Azman, x

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Apa itu matang?

Assalamualaikum. Bertemu kembali kita after Raya ni. Well well, how was Syawal treating you so far? Mine was awesome. Had great time catching up with family and relatives, makan rendang sampai muak, found out that actually I have new baby cousins, dapat duit raya (Alhamdulillah, ada lah dalam 2 3 sen je) and paling best, bila nak tangkap gambar ramai-ramai. It was beyond awesome! It is not that easy you know, to gather all of your relatives especially, if you ada hugeeeee extended family tambahan pula kalau masing-masing duduk jauh. So Alhamdulillah, dapat gather eventhough itu pun tak semua yang ada. Ada yang masih beraya di kampung lagi satu and so on.

Well, I'm in my apartment now, and it kept me thinking about the "maturity" stuff. I've promised myself to at least post something about it since it was in my mind back then but asyik nak procrastinate je. So I thought, enough procrastinating. If I don't start now, I'm never going to finish.

Maturity? Well, what is the meaning of maturity? How can we define or nak kenal whether that person is matured enough to be labelled as "Mature"? I've been doing a lot of reading, some sort of research lah jugak about this topic. And I sampai buat quiz and everything to know how is my maturity level. Waahhh, gituuu. I am only 22, but at least I have more experiences than a 19-year-old girl. Right? But eventhough that particular person is 24 years old sekalipun, doesn't mean he/she is more matured than the younger person. Kan? Then, how now oh wow?

It happened to me recently actually, so that's the reason why I nak bebel pasal ni. There was this person, kata, "Jangan nak act macam kau dah matured sangat, even kau lagi tua pun, tak semestinya kau matang." Ouch, that hurts. LOL! Its okay, saya terima dengan hati terbuka. Biasa lah kan, manusia ni ada je benda nak condemn. So yeah, I replied nothing except for, "Immature".

As for me, growing up to be my parents' daughter adalah perkara paling awesome pernah terjadi dalam sejarah hidup. I am so proud and bukan lah nak riak sombong ke apa, but I am lucky and so grateful to have my Mommy Daddy in my life. So bila benda macam ni happened, I hanya mampu tergelak. Or tersenyum sorang-sorang. Maturity seseorang, bagi saya, diukur dengan sikap, sifat and the way you bawa diri ke mana sahaja. So let say lah kan, you tak kenal sesiapa kat sesuatu tempat tu. Then, untuk mengelakkan awkwardness, dah alang-alang duduk sebelah sampai bahu tergesel kan, apa kata berborak? Jangan lah borak sakan sampai bagitahu details. Da lah orang tu stranger, just a normal talk la. Memang kadang-kadang kita kena sombong (demi keselamatan diri) tapi sometimes tu, jangan lah nak bersombong tak bertempat. Dibesarkan sebagai seorang insan bernama Malina Azman, saya dilahirkan dengan instinct yang kuat. So I can sense whether orang tu okay ke tak. Kalau rasa okay, then I will borak, if not, then tak perlu. Okay?

So, kematangan diukur dengan pandai membawa diri tu, means that, wherever you go or whoever you are with or whenever pun masa tu, you mesti ada 3 benda ni, INTEGRITY, RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY. Waahhhh. Sorry yea, nak berfalsafah pulak malam ni :B

First, Integrity. Apakah itu? Well, contoh lah eh, you tengah jalan sorang-sorang kat mana-mana, then you ternampak ada sampah kat atas jalan. Masa tu tade orang satu pun. Just you and that plastic bag (example) What would you do? A) Biarkan sampah tu. Bukan aku yang buang merata. B) Main sepak-sepak sampah sampai lah tak termampu nak sepak lagi. C) Kutip sampah tu and buangkan ke dalam tong sampah. Kalau you guys jawab A or B, means you guys memang tade ciri-ciri seorang yang ada integrity. If C, wah, I am so proud! Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truth truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Kabish? So, perlu ada jati diri yang kukuh di dalam diri untuk menjadi seseorang yang matang!

Second, Respect. "Gua respek lu bro! Respek sebab lu boleh bawak sampai 5 tiang bro!". Eh tak tak, bukan 'respek' tu yang aku minta. Respect, ataupun didalam kamus dewan bahasa dan pustaka kata, Hormat. Respect ni tidak datang bergolek. Tade nya orang semua nak respect you kalau you kurang ajar dengan semua. Penampaq dapat lah. Respect must be earned. Ambo kecek Melayu deh? Senang sikik semuo nok pahe. Well, ehem, kalau you guys nak orang hormat you all, you all kena lah belajar hormat orang lain dulu. Hormat in my context tu bukannya suruh sembah cium kaki nak berjunjung sirih silih berganti bagai, bukan itu dong yang aku minta. Hormat disini bermaksud, you guys tau limit nak bercakap and tau the limit to bergaul with people. Kalau kita tak tahu orang tu macam mana, jangan lah terus nak out loud. Tak semua boleh terima perangai kita. So, behave lah sikit. Cover ayu, control macho sikit. Remember, always remember that first impression is the key. Key untuk apa? Key untuk Audi R8 kah? Oh tidak, key untuk menjamin masa depan sebagai orang yang layak dihormati. Tinggi pangkat tu! So yeah, that's what it means. Pahe dok?

Third is, Responsibility. It is the ability or authority to act or decide on one's own, without supervision or a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct. Cukup jelas semuanya? Without responsibility yang diberikan, or maybe diberikan tapi tidak dilakukan, then you are not matured enough. Know why? Because you tend to ambil mudah dalam semua perkara. Tak serious. If nak ambil mudah je, you are equal to a little kiddo lah then. Kan?

And then, there comes this, mature people know how to joke, when to joke and what to joke about. Ini yang paling banyak I nampak, those budak-budak anggap kalau terlampau ambil serious about joking, adalah sesuatu yang merugikan sebab tak enjoy life seadanya? One word for you; childish. Kita bukannya ambil serious ke apa, its just that, orang yang ada and faham perasaan orang lain dan juga pandai nak jaga hati orang lain, tak kan bergurau sakan in public like that. For example, you use such words in public. If you know what I meannn. Kalau you guys nak bergurau or se-open minded mana sekalipun you all, biarlah berpada-pada. Mungkin itu joke yang you guys je faham, so jangan lah publicize kan benda tu. Just, keep it to yourself lah. Bergurau lah sesama sendiri, dalam bilik ke apa, only for people yang tahu or boleh terima tu. Always remember that, tak semua boleh terima perangai kita, tak semua boleh terima joke kita, so, sila pandai bawa diri. Tak perlu nak beritahu satu dunia you guys kaki gurau or selawak mana pun lawak tu.

Banyak benda yang I tak cerita kat public. Maybe kat sini pun dah tahu serba serbi but not in details. Kalau nak cerita pasal apa yang I borak with my bestfriend, Nissa, mahu pengsan ekau nak baco. Kalau nak cerita apa yang I buat with hair-dryer with Liyl, mesti ekau tak nak baco blog eden lagi ni haa. LOL! I tak nak aibkan sesiapa. Bagi yang terasa, bagus lah, sila perbaiki diri anda. Dan saya pun terasa juga ni, so saya perlu perbaiki diri sendiri. Bagi yang tidak terasa satu apa pun, you guys ni heartless ke apa? LOL! Just kidding, ampun pak. Sesiapa yang tak terasa, bagus lah. At least you guys tade buat sesiapa feel offended. Mungkin awak seorang yang matang? Woots!

Panjang juga bebelan kali ini. Until then, always ingat, have your own principle. Mesti ada prinsip hidup yang kuat and amalkan prinsip itu. Kena ada jati diri untuk menjadi seorang yang berjaya. 

"A wise man draws from experience and is likely to be older and more mature. A clever man has a sharp mind and is intelligent. Wisdom, comes with age."

Malina Azman, x

FM's Ankle Injuries (Y)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Emotionally Mature

[x] You know that jealousy only harms your relationships, and you are able to avoid it.
  • [x] You believe that changing other people is futile - you only try to change yourself.
  • [  ] You know that you're not perfect, and you're totally okay with your flaws.
  • [  ] It's easy for you to love someone.
  • [x] When you encounter a problem, you try to solve it quickly. Thinking about it only makes it worse.
  • [  ] Rejections in your life have definitely hurt, but you have always been able to move on from them quickly.
  • [x] You are a very honest person. You have principles that you live by.
  • [x] You enjoy giving more than receiving.
  • [x] When you are angry with someone, you don't hold on to your anger. You make your feelings known and then move on.

Acting like an adult is all about doing the best you can.
Source : Blogthings

How Old Do You Act?

1. Your idea of a fun Saturday night is:
[x] Having dinner and movie night with girlfriends

2. When it comes to a boyfriend, you're looking for someone who:
[x] Could ultimately be "The One". I don't want to waste time with a guy I won't end up with and he will be adventurous with me

3. Your dream birthday party theme is:
[x] A luncheon/dinner at the upscale restaurant in town

4. When you're bored, you:
[x] Go online or go outside and drive around

5. Your fashion style is best described as:
[x] Classic. I choose any traditional pieces that will never go out of style

6. People would be surprised to learn you like to read:
[x] Some novels by Nicholas Sparks and non-fiction books about inspirational people; they inspired me to go after my dreams

7. Your computer desktop background is:
[x] Some inspiring quotes or scenes from nature that you'd like to visit in real life one day or some fun graphic design

8. You'd love to paint your nails with:
[x] A French manicure

9. You secretly listen to:
[x] Taylor Swift, Mary J. Blige and some evergreen songs

10. Your dream family vacation would be:
[x] Greece

You're an Old Soul!
You're mature and like doing things that would normally be classified as "grown up". It doesn't mean you should be hanging out with your mom's friends on a Friday night, but it means that you have a classic mindset (you like throwing dinner parties while your friends like throwing dance parties). But it's important to sometimes make a point to be silly with your friends for fun, especially while you're young!

Monday, August 27, 2012



Chicken Rice

Fav drink; Honey Lemon Ice

Chicken chop with fried rice

Chicken Siew Mai

Chicken and mushroom Siew Mai

Chapati or Chapatti?

Step 1: Tumbuk yang bulat tu bagi leper

Step 2: Uli tepung tu bagi nipis sikit and make a perfect round

Step 3: Mencanai chapati

Step 4: Tadaa! Ready to be on hot pan

Step 5: Campak atas pan

Step 5: Terbalik kan, and voila!

And do not ask me about the ingredients or on how to make the dough. I don't know. I sampai je rumah uncle, terus dah ready with those dough, was waiting to be masak on pan je. Every time raya, memang akan makan ni since this is Persian delicacy. Could be Indian delicacy too, but from the Persian family myself, so it is Persian's. LOL!

Maggi Ketam & Nasi Kerabu

The famous Maggi Ketam, only in Kelantan (Y)


And excuse the looks. I don't know how to eat ketam.

The original Nasi Kerabu

Never go back if your tummy doesn't look like Timmy here :D

After had our "shopping spree" in Wakaf Che Yeh, we went for dinner at, hmm, tepi main road? LOL! I don't know the name of the kedai since it was located betul-betul kat tepi main road arah ke Kota Bharu, after the traffic light. We walked, bak kata orang, 'jalan-jalan cari makan' for dinner/supper. And Man Utd and Fulham's EPL match terpampang si skrin putih yang besar. Terasa macam dekat Hartamas Square pulak :D So, as the waiter tanya nak makan apa, I was blank. I asked, apa ada, and he said, "Kak sinih, oghe selalu makey maggi ketey." So ketey means ketam in proper Bahasa, and even my sister said Maggi Ketam is one of the specialty meal in Kelantan, so why not. I ordered one even I was aware that I am totally allergic with crabs. Gonna have gatal-gatal on my tongue and my face but who cares. I would love to try something new. There were so many people, about half an hour later, sampai lah maggi ketam ku. Just a normal maggi curry but they put ketam in it. The whole ketam, not half. And I really thought that it was the soft-shell crab just like I had back in KL but it's the normal, hard one, with the thick shell. I had that gatal-gatal later that night but it was worth it (Y)

Well, I've always loved Nasi Kerabu ever since, I've tasted it in my university back in 2010. And loved it until today. What else can I say for Nasi Kerabu yeah? I think everyone pernah makan kot. Who doesn't?! So I've tried the original already and it was nice. The most important thing, Timmy was superbly happy that night! :D

Wakaf Che Yeh, Kota Bharu, Kelantan

Kelantan version of Petaling Street

Assalamualaikum. I just got home, been away for Syawal's celebrations with family and relatives. And no, I will never see my friends for the first two weeks of Syawal since I have hugeeeeeeeee extended family. Itu pun tak puas and belum jumpa semua. Phew. Well, here I am. I am not the type of person yang tidur kat kampung, usually we will balik hari and tidur at home even the event habis around 1 pagi or so. And last weekend, my family and I went for a roadtrip along east-coast Malaysia (again) and it was my first time to be at Wakaf Che Yeh. I've been in Kota Bharu or Kelantan soooo many times already but never discovered this Kelantan version of Petaling Street.

They sell almost everything! From food, to clothes, electronics items, accessories and all! And there this part where I felt so hilarious, dekat section which semua jual tudung or scarfs. Those peniaga were guys and they were actually wearing tudung! LOL! Soooooo funnneeyyyyhhh! Mommy, Daddy and I gelak je until the guy said with his loghat Kelantan, "Amboihh, gelok besar akok nih. Gapo dio nok gelok? Ambo tau ambo dok comel nok paka tudung. Tapi ambo cubo jugok nok paka." LOL! They were so cute! Cute as in, pakai tudung even with misai, janggut bagai. Not just us, even locals pun gelak.

So yeah, was busy been jakun, I took a photo here and there with my cameras and record some videos. Will upload it later. Haven't uploaded it in my laptop yet. Soon, insyaAllah. And I've bought flipflops. Just that, I think? And various food. Tried almost every Kelantanese delicacies. Everything was sweet, well that makes them delicious? :)

Now, look forward for pending photos from my lomo. Will hantar to Photocrafts to develop those later (Y)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My life in Doha

Ni masa I nak goreng telur. I pecahkan sebijik je, tapi ada dua kat dalam satu telur. It was pretty amazing sebab I tak pernah tengok (okay, lame) and congratulations Mak Ayam, you got yourself a twins! :D

Porsche Panamera. Siapa yang tak in love dengan Porsche, tak layak hidup kat dunia ni. LOL! Well, believe it or not, this Panamera costs only 400k! Kalau kat Malaysia, Porsche kalau tak half a million above, bukan Porsche original namanya. Zzz -.-" (Don't worry, Qatar Riyal is equal to Ringgit Malaysia. Berapa sen je beza.)

Villaggio. Ice skating ring.

Villaggio shopping mall

Al-Bidda Park

Performance from the Qataris at Souq Waqif

The pet stores. The whole row of rumah kedai, semua jual pets!

Aww, this is so cuteeeee! Yes, colourful chicks! :)

The famous "haris" at Souq Waqif

Gerghal. Egg and cheese add em up with honey & nutella. TERBAIK!


Babysitting little cousins

Public pool at my kampung

Kolam renang kanak-kanak

My snacks 

So long, I'll be back!

Oldtown White Coffee

Oldtown Curry Mee

Oldtown Assam Laksa

Supreme Nasi Lemak Chicken Rendang

Oldtown Nasi Lemak with Fried Chicken


Click here for Oldtown's official website : OLDTOWN

Chinese Zodiac - Horse


Occupying the 7th position on the Chinese Zodiac, the Horse symbolizes such character trats as strength, energy and an outgoing nature. Extremely animated, Horses thrive when they're the center of attention. Always in search of a good time, Horses keep the crowds happy with their humor and their wit.
Horses are extremely intelligent so they'ra able to grasp new subjects with ease. They're also capable of multi-tasking however they don't always finish what they start because they're forever chasing the next opportunity. Horses are honest, friendly and open-minded. They're perhaps a bit too centered on themselves and have been known to throw tantrums when situations don't go their way.


Horses are very healthy, most likely because the maintain a positive outlook on life and because they're athletic. Lead Horses to wide, open spaces and watch them run free! Horses will usually only feel ill when they're trapped inside.


Horses enjoy positions in which they can interact with others. They aren't fond of taking orders and they'll run from jobs hey consider routine. They're able to grasp new subjects with ease making them capable of handling most any job. They're effective communicators and they enjoy power. Good career choices for Horses include: publicist, sales representative, journalist, language instructor, translator, bartender, performer, tour operator, librarian or pilot.


Horses, being spontaneous, have a tendency to fall fast and hard for others. They tend to give themselves fully in each new relationship a quality that ends up chipping away at their inner being. Fortunately, this exhausting trait mellows with age and relationship are stronger and more stable later in life.

Metal Horse - years 1990

Free-spirited in every sense of the word, commitment is the easisest way to scare Metal Horses away. They prefer jumping from one relationship or job to the next. Because of this, Metal Horses make better friends than partners.


Horses are compatible with a Dog or Tiger and incompatible with a Rat or Monkey.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Baju rayas ♥

Day 1
Turquoise traditional kebaya batik

Day 2
Mustard-yellow baju kurung moden

Day 3
Colourful floral traditional baju kurung chiffon

Day 4
Black abaya with red floral details

Day 5
Pink floral prints baju kurung chiffon

Salam Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid Mubarak to all Muslims! And to my family, friends and acquaintances, maafkan segala salah dan silap saya. Maaf jika ada terlanjur kata, terkasar bahasa atau terlebih gurauan. Sesiapa yang terasa hati, maafkan saya yea?

To strangers or exes (friends or whatever), or to anyone or whoever yang pernah kenal or pernah dengar the name of Malina Azman, kalau ada terasa hati or tersakit hati or pernah membenci and maybe masih membenci, yang pernah menyampah or masih menyampah, maafkan saya. Saya memohon maaf dari hujung tudung ke hujung wedges. I admit that I ada sakitkan hati, hancurkan hati or maybe hancurkan hidup orang, mohon dimaafkan. Saya tidak sengaja. Kalau ada yang tersalah faham dan tersalah anggap dengan kata-kata ataupun niat saya, harap dimaafkan dan dilupakan. Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih. Mungkin saya jahat dimata anda, tetapi anda tetap saya sayangi. I never hate people for no reason. Kalau membenci, pasti ada sebab. And sempena Aidilfitri ni, sempena hari baik, bulan baik ni, I want to get rid of those negative feelings and negative vibes or energy around me. Saya ampunkan semua dan harap semua mengampunkan saya juga. Manusia tidak pernah lari dari membuat kesilapan, I'm just a human being, I'm far from perfect, so I am sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Semoga Allah memberkati dan merahmati anda sekeluarga. Harap diampunkan segala kesalahan saya yea? Last but not least, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin. Tulus ikhlas dari hati. Enjoy your Raya and insyaAllah, kalau mampu and kalau boleh, try buat puasa sunat 6 hari di bulan Syawal. Semoga Allah memberkati segala amalan kita :) Assalamualaikum.

Malina Azman, x