Sunday, August 12, 2012

M.A.'s pre-loved :)

Hello people! It's summer time! And it almost ends now, aye? LOL! How's your summer pretty babies? This time I'm using new approach to sell my pre-loved clothes. The first approach was back in May 2012. Remember I opened a booth for Mother's Day fashion bazaar event in Publika, Solaris Dutamas? Yeap, these are the rest of it. This time, I sell them babies on Instagram! Check it out girls! And yeah, to guys too, for your girlfriend, sister, mother, cousins, aunts, neighbours. These are all branded items. And I will definitely give you a reasonable price for each of it! :)

And please be noted, that most of handbags and shoes were sold during that fashion bazaar. I left about only 3 shoes and 4 handbags now. Based on first-come-first-serve basis! Hurry!


INSTAGRAM : malinazman (For Instagram's users ONLY)

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