The famous Maggi Ketam, only in Kelantan (Y)


And excuse the looks. I don't know how to eat ketam.

The original Nasi Kerabu

Never go back if your tummy doesn't look like Timmy here :D
After had our "shopping spree" in Wakaf Che Yeh, we went for dinner at, hmm, tepi main road? LOL! I don't know the name of the kedai since it was located betul-betul kat tepi main road arah ke Kota Bharu, after the traffic light. We walked, bak kata orang, 'jalan-jalan cari makan' for dinner/supper. And Man Utd and Fulham's EPL match terpampang si skrin putih yang besar. Terasa macam dekat Hartamas Square pulak :D So, as the waiter tanya nak makan apa, I was blank. I asked, apa ada, and he said, "Kak sinih, oghe selalu makey maggi ketey." So ketey means ketam in proper Bahasa, and even my sister said Maggi Ketam is one of the specialty meal in Kelantan, so why not. I ordered one even I was aware that I am totally allergic with crabs. Gonna have gatal-gatal on my tongue and my face but who cares. I would love to try something new. There were so many people, about half an hour later, sampai lah maggi ketam ku. Just a normal maggi curry but they put ketam in it. The whole ketam, not half. And I really thought that it was the soft-shell crab just like I had back in KL but it's the normal, hard one, with the thick shell. I had that gatal-gatal later that night but it was worth it (Y)
Well, I've always loved Nasi Kerabu ever since, I've tasted it in my university back in 2010. And loved it until today. What else can I say for Nasi Kerabu yeah? I think everyone pernah makan kot. Who doesn't?! So I've tried the original already and it was nice. The most important thing, Timmy was superbly happy that night! :D
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