Ni masa I nak goreng telur. I pecahkan sebijik je, tapi ada dua kat dalam satu telur. It was pretty amazing sebab I tak pernah tengok (okay, lame) and congratulations Mak Ayam, you got yourself a twins! :D

Porsche Panamera. Siapa yang tak in love dengan Porsche, tak layak hidup kat dunia ni. LOL! Well, believe it or not, this Panamera costs only 400k! Kalau kat Malaysia, Porsche kalau tak half a million above, bukan Porsche original namanya. Zzz -.-" (Don't worry, Qatar Riyal is equal to Ringgit Malaysia. Berapa sen je beza.)

Villaggio. Ice skating ring.

Villaggio shopping mall

Al-Bidda Park

Performance from the Qataris at Souq Waqif

The pet stores. The whole row of rumah kedai, semua jual pets!

Aww, this is so cuteeeee! Yes, colourful chicks! :)

The famous "haris" at Souq Waqif

Gerghal. Egg and cheese add em up with honey & nutella. TERBAIK!
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