Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am now 22 :)

I don't have anything to say. I just want to thank to every single person for all loves that you guys gave and still giving me right until this moment. I appreciate every single thing that you guys ever did to me, all those wishes and blessings, thank you so much. Alhamdulillah, huge appreciation to Mommy & Daddy for letting me to be here in this world. I'm glad that you both are my parents, the most awesome one, I must say :) Thank you for everything, thank you for guiding me and with all loves. Ahh, I am glad to be your daughter. And thank you friends, homies, relatives, lovers, babies, darlings, honeys and awesome people around me. Without all of you, I'm just a plain and boring girl-next-door. And I am so thankful to Allah for giving me chance to improve myself. Alhamdulillah. There's no turning back. Keep moving forward! Yeah! Thank you. Been living my awesome life for 22 years now, looking forward for 100 years more! :) Thanks for all wishes, only now I baru habis replied all. Too much of them! Thank you! I love you guys so much! â™¥

Infinite X's and O's,
Malina Azman :)

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